Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0657, 12 Nov 18

West Bend School Board Considers Buying Property

The West Bend School Board will meet tonight to discuss the potential purchase of property for a new Jackson Elementary School.

Nov. 12, 2018 – West Bend, WI – During tonight’s Monday meeting, Nov. 12, of the West Bend School Board a discussion will be held on the “Potential land purchase in Jackson.”

According to the district website:

Topic and Background:

In approximately 2009 the West Bend School District purchased a 6.38 acre parcel of land on Jackson Dr. in the Village of Jackson in anticipation of reconstructing the existing Jackson Elementary. Since the purchased property was small for an elementary school, discussions occurred at the time between the district and village about securing additional land to the north that was owned by the Village of Jackson.

In recognition that the district was moving toward the building a new Jackson Elementary on the new site, the Jackson DPW moved to a new site and the Village began searching for a property on which to construct a new safety building to house the police and fire departments.

In early 2017, the district and the village agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to have appraisals done on the existing Jackson Elementary, Fire Department and DPW properties. Each party paid for the appraisal of their individual properties and agreed to exchange the documents. Each party recognized the importance of securing the additional property for any potential new school.

Within the last several weeks the Village has put in an offer on the site for the new safety building. The offer has been accepted and closing is set for mid – December. The village offer to purchase is contingent upon the sale of the existing DPW and Fire Department parcels.

Since a new safety building would not be complete prior to the sale of the property, the district would lease the fire department back to the village for a minimal sum. The village would be responsible for all maintenance and utilities associated with the building.


Regardless of whether the board decides to have a referendum in spring of 2019, the property to the north of our vacant land would make our property a much better site for an elementary building. Furthermore, the purchase of this property would enable the Village of Jackson to move ahead with their plans.


Total purchase price $750,000.00.

More at the Washington County Insider.

So the School Board wants to buy property for a new building that they don’t have funding for in a district that has declining enrollment when they are already $130 million is debt.



0657, 12 November 2018


  1. MjM

    C’mon, Owen.  It’s for the kids!

    In approximately 2009 the West Bend School District purchased a 6.38 acre parcel of land

    “Approximately”?   Nobody knows for sure?

    Board President Joel Ongert said in a meeting in August the interest would not be on the ballot.

    Of course not.  Why have an informed citizenry when you can hide the actual  costs so easily.


  2. dad29

    Owen, Owen, Owen……you have so much to learn.

    First off, it’s not “buy.”  It’s “INVEST.”  Gummint never spends any more, Owen.  Are you still in the 20th Century or something??

    Secondly, the Gummint is INVESTING to STIMULATE the ECONOMY.  All sorts of construction contractors, road builders, and materials-suppliers will be stimulated.

    The kids cannot possibly learn Common Core in a building built in 1960 or before, Owen.

    Get with the program, Owen.  They know where you live.

  3. jjf

    Like Foxconn, right Dad29?

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