Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2249, 27 Nov 18

Orangutan Rescued From Sex Slavery

There are some depraved people on this planet.

An orangutan kept as a prostitute in an Indonesian village ‘screamed and defecated’ when the brothel madam who kept her captive visited her in a rescue centre.

Pony, an endangered Bornean orangutan, was discovered in February 2003 inside a darkened room in the village of Kareng Pangi, Central Kalimantan chained to a wall and lying on a mattress.

She had been ruthlessly and abhorrently exploited by local palm oil farmers who would come to the village and pay £2 to have sex with her.

The brother ‘madam’ who enslaved Pony was initially allowed to visit her once a month at a conservation centre to ‘reduce the risk of retribution among villagers’ who were angry she had been taken.


Having been snatched from her mother when she was a baby, her captors treated Pony extremely harshly – shaving her every two days and forcing her to wear perfume and makeup.

She was even taught to perform sex acts on demand for her customers.


2249, 27 November 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    There seems to be perfect correlation to this issue ending and the very next article “Clintons begin speaking tour”.

    Interesting timing.

  2. Mark Hoefert

    I don’t know what is more depraved:  the actual story from 15 years ago, or the continuous rebooting of the 15 year old story to segue into discussing the issues of palm oil production – e.g., the loss of habitat due to palm farms, the calls to boycott palm oil from those countries, etc.  A story from 2007 doesn’t mention “palm oil farmers” as customers, just refers to local villagers.

  3. jjf

    Clicked to see if Kevin had connected a string to a liberal.

  4. Kevin Scheunemann

    Promotion and tolerance of total depravity is a liberal sacrament.

    No string is even needed to connect that.

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