Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

1514, 14 Dec 18

Walker Signs Final Legislation of Governorship


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Friday signed a set of proposals passed quickly by the state’s Republican-led Legislature in a lame-duck session last week. The bills would strip away some powers from his Democratic successor and restrict early voting, but Walker argued Democratic Gov.-elect Tony Evers’ executive authority will remain “one of the most powerful in the nation.”

Walker signed the bills in their entirety, with no changes or vetoes.

“Despite all the hype and hysteria out there, these bills do nothing to fundamentally diminish executive authority,” Walker said in a statement. “The bottom line is the new governor will continue to be one of the most powerful chief executives in the country.”


1514, 14 December 2018


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    What a great run it was.

    The greatest leader in history of the State.

  2. jjf

    A legacy of dishonesty.

  3. MHMaley

    He lost boys . Get over it .

  4. Jason

    >He lost boys . Get over it.

    He’s still governor, you get over it.

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    An act of unadulterated cowardice.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    Cowardice? Says the guy who cannot admit he is a liberal, and defends liberal awfulness.

  7. dad29

    As we expect, LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy’s thinking is in a full-speed march from reality towards chaos.

    Walker did what was right, which like Act 10, took courage.

    Any Lefty can write checks, so long as somebody ELSE has to pay the money.  That’s not courage; it’s fraud.  And yes, Ryan was very good at that, as was Thompson.  But for COLOSSAL fraud, well, that’s Democrat territory.

  8. jjf

    Tell us the story again about Trump’s spending, Grandpa!

  9. Le Roi du Nord


    And the taxpayers will be on the hook writing checks to foxconn for decades, and now KC as well.  Your conservative hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  10. jjf

    Golly, not even Fraley can spin it.

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