Boots & Sabers

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0701, 19 Mar 19

Foxconn Plant To Be Operational By 2020


Electronics maker Foxconn Technology Group said Monday it will begin construction this summer on a display-screen manufacturing hub near Racine, with plans for production to start by the end of 2020.

A company statement said the construction marks the next phase of Foxconn’s overall blueprint for its campus in Mount Pleasant.

It underscores the company’s manufacturing plans at the site, weeks after reports and statements by Foxconn officials suggested the company was scaling back or changing its plans to build display screens in Wisconsin.

If the plant is operational by fall 2020, it also could give political fodder to one of its top cheerleaders, President Donald Trump, who has touted Foxconn’s plans as heralding a renaissance in U.S. manufacturing.
This will be hard for Wisconsin’s Democrats. Will they celebrate this great economic boon to Wisconsin or will they continue to carp and moan because Trump celebrates it? In other words, will Democrats prioritize partisan politics over celebrating Wisconsin’s success? I think we know the answer to that.

0701, 19 March 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    …if liberals don’t wreck it.

  2. steveegg

    Consider this your periodic reminder that the Left was successful in wrecking Foxconn’s Pennsylvania plans, and was just successful in wrecking Amazon’s New York City plans.

  3. Mark Hoefert

    It certainly has not helped that Corning Glass will not build a plant nearby capable of producing glass for Gen 10.5 screens (TVs, etc.), leaving this plant at Gen 6.0 (phones, etc.).  They demand incentives (from government/customers) of $2 for every $1 of their investment.  Perhaps someone will have to “blink first” – either Foxconn (share their subsidies) or Corning (demand less incentives) or an entirely new glass manufacturer to enter the scene.

  4. jonahcates

    Kevin your hypocrisy is so strong here. You obviously don’t work given all your time dedicated to facebook and boots posts. Not a surprise when looking at your CCAP history which highlights how unsuccessful you are. You not only owe people outrageous debts you then file frivolous lawsuits against the people you owe. It must be so offensive to be asked to pay what you owe!!! Then you claim to be too broke to pay court fees, get it done for free and sue the people who are trying to collect debts from you and ask for venue changes. This costs the courts in multiple venues. What a scammer you are. You’ve cost WI taxpayers more than welfare does.  Isn’t this the kind of thing Owen ix supposed to be exposing in sleezy corrupt government?

  5. jjf

    By “success”, do you mean that it turned out to be what was promised?  That it was worth the eminent domain claims, the extra infrastructure, the taxpayer dollars?

  6. Merlin

    My guess is that our nattering nabobs of negativism will persist. They’ve been bred for it.

  7. jjf

    Nah, Merlin, the WisGOP will simply blame everything on Dems.

  8. dad29

    PPG has a presence here, albeit in chemicals, not glass nor paint.  They might be interested.

    One suspects that having Foxconn as a customer will make someone take a very hard look at this area.

  9. jjf

    Conservatives cheering unprecedented handouts and interfering in the market.

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