Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0700, 05 Apr 19

Democrats Focus on Legislatures

In other words… watch for a lot more mud to be thrown by national groups in down ballot races.

Democratic opposition research giant American Bridge is launching a new effort to help the party flip state legislatures, seeking to arm down-ballot Democrats with a significant trove of ammunition as they seek to expand their bench this election cycle.

The new initiative includes a three-person research team, expanded candidate tracking and rapid response at the state level, as well as partnerships with other Democratic groups focused on state legislatures. It was created, in partwith the aim to help Democrats swing critical state legislatures ahead of the next cycle of redistricting following the 2020 census.

The effort comes after the 2010 election — and the redistricting cycle that proceeded after — when Republicans outflanked Democrats in their attention to downballot races. The party sees 2020 as a critical opportunity to settle the score and build on gains made in last year’s midterms.


0700, 05 April 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    The intersectional liberal perversion lexicon coming to a race near you!

  2. steveegg

    Remember, for the Left (and the Trumpists, though I repeat myself), it’s not “by any means necessary”, but “by every means possible”.

  3. jjf

    Kevin, I bet Dems spend more time thinking about health care than you think about the sex they’re having.

  4. dad29

    Yes, indeed!  Since Trump holds that theory, things get done FOR this country and her citizens.  That’s in contrast to the Bush/Bush/Clinton/Obozo operating theory whereby things get done for everyone BUT citizens of the US.

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