Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0828, 11 Jul 19

Sensenbrenner Pushed for Ratification of Trade Deal

I don’t know that it will result in accelerating our economic boom, but inaction is certainly crippling.

This new trade deal is good for America. I’m encouraged that the Mexican Senate overwhelmingly ratified the USMCA in June and that President Trump has met with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau recently in Washington to shore up more support for the agreement. Now, the United States must act. House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, must bring the USMCA before the House for immediate consideration. There should be no delay.

Failure to do so will leave American workers and businesses playing by an outdated set of rules as our foreign competitors move on without us.

I am hearing from small business owners, farmers, young people entering the workforce, and families who want us to rebalance our trade agreements and keep strengthening the American economy with balanced trade rules. Let’s get it done now.


0828, 11 July 2019


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