Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2223, 05 Sep 19

NYC Plans to Get Rats Drunk

Wow. Could they have come up with a more complicated and expensive solution?

City officials have spent millions of dollars trying to cull the rat population over the years, deploying everything from birth control to vermin-proof rubbish bins.

On Thursday they said they had at last found a solution: a machine that attracts rats with bait and then triggers a trap door that drops them into a pool of alcohol-based liquid.

The machine – called Ekomille – is battery operated and resembles a cabinet that stand about two feet (60cm) high.

Rats climb a ladder to eat the bait. A sensor deploys a trip lever which plunges them into a tray that can hold 80 rat carcasses.


2223, 05 September 2019


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I’m surprised liberals worked up courage to deal with the rats….I thought tolerance for vermin was top priority.

  2. Mar

    Water drowns rats also.i guess that’s to easy to figure out.

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