Boots & Sabers

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1341, 27 Dec 19

2019 Predictions

RightWisconsin has asked for 2020 predictions. As I start to think about them, I thought it would be worth looking back at this year’s predictions and how they turned out:

Despite the yowls of the Communist Caucus in the House of Representatives, the House will NOT impeach President Donald Trump. It will finally dawn on the Democratic leadership that they are better off using their fights with Trump to agitate their base for the 2020 election instead of energizing his base by turning him into a martyr.

Well, missed that one. I overestimated the intellectual capacity of the Democratic leadership. It is a good reminder of just how long the Democrats have been talking about impeachment even through their fig leaf of a reason for doing so didn’t occur until late July.

To the delight of Republicans and the groans of Democrats, Governor Tony Evers will prove to be as ineffective as governor as he was as DPI Superintendent.


The Dallas Cowboys will not lose the Super Bowl


West Bend will NOT pass a school referendum on the April ballot (perhaps wishful thinking or misplaced faith in the electorate).


Louis CK and Kevin Spacey participate in a disgraced celebrity baby oil wrestling match to raise money for their legal defense funds. It becomes a hit and runs for 19 seasons.

Not yet correct!

With the economic growth in China beginning to slow, the government begins to tighten the garrote on its wealthy elite -prompting an exodus of Chinese wealth to the West.


Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and Reince Priebus share a well-deserved beer. Well, not literally share… they will probably each have their own. And Reince will probably have a Lemon Drop Martini. You get the point.

Probably correct!

The stock market will recover in the first two quarters, but slip into bear territory by the end of 2019.

Thankfully, WRONG!

(for the easy win) Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes will say something stupid and racist. Wisconsin media outlets will yawn.


State Senator “Red” Fred Risser will fall asleep during the budget debate.

Probably correct!

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin has no impact whatsoever on any important issue as she returns to her seat on the back bench for the next five years.


The state will not have a budget until after July 1st.



1341, 27 December 2019

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    I agreed with your prediction on stock market.   And I am thankful we were both incorrect, as I cash out part of a Section 529 plan today to pay college tuition for my daughter.

    I think we both continue to underestimate the power of Trump and his effect on economy.


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