Boots & Sabers

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1708, 31 Jan 20

WILL to Sue Madison School District over Anti-Parent Policy

Good. It is inappropriate for government employees to take it upon themselves to withhold information about a minor from their parents or legal guardians.

The district’s guidance prohibits school staff from disclosing “any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardians and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.”

“Transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information,” the guidance states. “If a student chooses to use a different name, to transition at school, or to disclose their gender identity to staff or other students, this does not authorize school staff to disclose a student’s personally identifiable or medical information.”

WILL wrote in its December letter that it was representing a group of 15 parents with students in the district and that the guidance “contains certain policies that violate our clients’ constitutional rights as parents.”

“Specifically, the Policy allows children of any age to change gender identity at school without parental notice or consent, prohibits teachers and other staff from notifying parents about this (without the child’s consent), and, in some circumstances, even requires teachers and other staff to actively deceive parents,” the letter stated.


1708, 31 January 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    This is the crazy town we get when godless liberals are in charge.

    Good for WILL!

  2. Mar

    Parents should be able to review all their child’s record, including guidance counselor records. I don’t even know why this is an issue.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    Its an issue becauss, at its heart and core, the godless liberal religious cult believes the state should raise your child. Parents are unneccessary.

    We should defund this sick, godless liberal religion.

  4. jjf

    Threatening to sue.  From the story:

    The district’s guidance prohibits school staff from disclosing “any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including parents or guardians and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.”

    Looks to me like the district still needs to reveal in all the legally required situations it has to before.  So is there any evidence this is actually happening?

  5. dad29

    So is there any evidence this is actually happening?

    I never cease to be amazed at your ability to ask irrelevant questions, Jiffy.  Kudos.

  6. Mar

    jjf, how would any parent know if it is going on?
    When my kids were growing up in Wisconsin Rapids and in a Catholic school, one of the kids came home injured. The school never let us know he got hurt at school and I had to go to the superintendent before we got an answer.
    When I was teaching, there were so many instances a parent should have been told about an incident and the administrators either didnt tell the parent or lied about it.

  7. jjf

    Mar, you’re asking how you’d know if your own kid was questioning their gender identity?

  8. Mar

    No, jjf, I was wanting to know how a parent, under the MMSD policies, how would a parent know anything going on at the school.
    But I wonder who’s job it would have been to tell the Billy is now Billie? Teacher, social worker, administrator?

  9. Mike

    Schools have been complaining for a long time about lack of parent participation in their child’s education. Now it seems they are actively discouraging parent participation.

    Schools are supposed to work with parents, not against their interests.

  10. jjf

    Let’s say a kid goes to school, starts telling their friends they don’t want to be called Steve any more, they saw a cool guy in a movie and they tell everyone they want to be called Rambo from now on.  Is it the school’s job to argue?  The school’s job to tell the parents?

  11. Kevin Scheunemann


    Yes, it is on school to tell parents kid is acting delusional at school.

    But liberals, teachers, administrators enable and encourage delusions and mental illness,especially in gender dysforia area.


  12. jjf


  13. Mar

    Yes, jjf, it is the schools responsiblity to report this if it keeps going on. It becomes a disruption if the kid keeps on wanting to be called Rambo.
    Same thing if a boy named Stephen wants to be called Stephanie. It becomes a distraction.

  14. Kevin Scheunemann


    If my son runs around and insists he be called Jane Fonda to friends and teachers…he is not only delusional, but having a traitorous liberal delusion.

    We seek cures to mental illness, not indulging mental illness.

    School should not be indulging illness and have some discipline to facts.

  15. dad29

    Let’s say a kid goes to school, starts telling their friends they don’t want to be called Steve any more….they want to be called Rambo

    Let’s say a poster on this thread makes up hypothetical analogies which are not really analogues.  Shall we call him “lawyer-wannabee”?  Or just “Perry”?

  16. jjf

    Dad29, I asked for real examples, didn’t get any.

    Can you tell me why this is a problem?

  17. dad29

    Nah.  Not “Perry.”


  18. Jason

    Hey jjf, what if a kid goes to school and wants to start each class in a prayer.  Should the school support that kid or scold that kid?  What if that kid works hard to bring in a group of motivational people who have slight undertones of  Christianity for a school wide presentation?  Should the School block that effort, should the School tell other parents that this presentation is going to happen?



  19. Mike

    jjf, the school withholding information from a child’s parents is a problem no matter what the subject matter. Gender dysphoria is considered a medical condition so the school has now decided that they will make decisions on student’s medical as well as educational well being.

  20. jjf

    Jason, kids are free to pray.  You think they aren’t?  And at most schools, anyone can rent the gym or auditorium.  Is that what you mean?

    And don’t worry, Dad29 won’t chide you for veering off-topic or posing hypotheticals.


  21. dad29

    You’re right, Hamilton Berger.  Jason’s analogy actually IS an analogue.

  22. jjf

    Raise your hand if you catch Dad29’s black-and-white reference!

  23. Merlin

    The Perry/Hamilton reference flew by pretty fast.

    Berger never beat Mason. Ever.

    Y’all would know that if you paid attention to anything other than Della, which is entirely understandable.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    You mean Hamilton Burger?  And he beat Perry 3x. (per wiki)

  25. Merlin

    Sort of.

    We’re talking original tv series here.

    Mason lost two criminal cases and both were overturned on appeal. A third loss was before a judge in a civil matter Burger was not involved in. Later in that same episode Mason beat Burger in a criminal case involving that very same judge as a defendant.

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