Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0751, 13 Feb 20

Evers is Coy about Coveted Presidential Endorsement


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers is staying neutral in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Evers said Wednesday he was open to making an endorsement but not until after the state’s April 7 presidential primary. He said withholding an endorsement boosts the chances of Wisconsin’s primary being relevant.


0751, 13 February 2020


  1. Merlin

    Pretty easy to stay neutral when nobody is clamoring for your endorsement. Go back to sleep, Tiger.

  2. Mar

    Does a body care about endorsements anymore?

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    He’s a Bernie Bro.

    He wants to get in the van with Bernie that says Free weed. Free Sex. Free everything on it. Like a dirty old man.

  4. dad29

    Maggie Gau hasn’t written the program for the Eversbot on this matter.

  5. jjf

    Wow, Dad29, your intense attention on Gau never ends…

    But will she be your Valentine?

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