Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1444, 20 Feb 20

Tax Cut Heads to Evers’ Desk

Remember that we do not have a tax surplus… yet. We have a projection that says that we will have a surplus at the end of the budget next summer. Bearing that in mind, this is a good bill. It takes a projection that says that the state is collecting more taxes than it needs and reduces the taxes accordingly. If the projection is wrong and we head into deficit, then they can adjust taxes the other direction. To my point in a column a few weeks ago, however, this is not spending money we don’t have. It isn’t spending anything at all. It is simply having the government collect LESS so that it does not run as much of a surplus over the term of the current budget.

The tax cut bill would would deliver an average reduction of $106 for most qualifying filers. Married couples who file jointly would see an average cut of $145; all other filers would see an average reduction of $81. The bill also would reduce taxes for manufacturers by nearly $45 million by exempting their machinery and tools from property taxes and trim state debt by $100 million.

This is a good bill. It is unfortunate that Governor Evers will likely veto is so that the government can overcharge for their services and spend more.


1444, 20 February 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann

    Democrats covet.

    Evers will covet for his pet spending.

  2. MjM

    Phony nEvers gonna do what phonies do.  Its like Deja vu all over again, almost to the day

    (h/t Yogi)

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