Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0024, 27 Feb 20

SEIU Spends Worker Dues To Defeat Trump

Is this what union members pay dues for? To advance the political ambitions of union leaders?

WASHINGTON (AP) — One of the nation’s largest labor unions is unveiling plans to invest $150 million in a nationwide campaign to help defeat President Donald Trump, a sweeping effort focused on eight battleground states and voters of color who typically don’t vote.

The investment marks the largest voter engagement and turnout operation in the history of the Service Employees International Union, which claims nearly 2 million members. The scope of the campaign, which quietly launched last month and will run through November’s general election, reflects the urgency of what union president Mary Kay Henry calls “a make-or-break” moment for working people in America under Trump’s leadership.


0024, 27 February 2020


  1. Mar

    Union members do not get a lot for their union dues money. They support political campaigns and support the lavish life styles of union leaders.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Awful. Just awful.

    Trump brings greatest economy ever and unions work to defeat prosperity for their members.

  3. steveegg

    That’s what union leadership thinks, and in the case of WEAC, they’re correct.

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