Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2258, 18 Mar 20

Wauwatosa Clerk Assaults Democracy

Exclusive from Mark Belling.

Wauwatosa City Clerk Melanie Kollmansberger is violating Wisconsin state law by saying her office will accept absentee ballots in the ongoing spring election by email. It is against Wisconsin law to accept emailed absentee ballots.

By state law, absentee ballots must either be sent by traditional US Postal mail or in person. The Wisconsin Election Commission’s own website explicitly states absentee ballots may not be emailed.

The following is pasted directly from the Wauwatosa City Clerk website:

You may email absentee ballots to the City Clerk’s Office at You will need to include specific information on your absentee ballot, which is explained below. The first day to vote in person by absentee ballot for the Tuesday, April 7, 2020 election is Tuesday, March 17, 2020. All in person absentee ballots must be submitted by Friday, April 3, 2020 at 5:00 pm. Ballots must be received by the Clerk’s Office by Election Day in order to be counted. Please submit your ballots as soon as possible.

The above advice is contrary to Wisconsin state law

Sure, I’m worried about the virus, but I am more worried about our liberty, right to self-governance, and rule of law. We once thought that these principles were worth dying for… worth killing for. Do we still?


2258, 18 March 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    Democrat votes will fall from tree like magic.

  2. jjf

    Well, Kev, that’s just a side-effect of the Trump virus.

  3. Jason

    Great, Tosa is going to end up with some Nigerian Prince in office.   Oh, and why the hell is it “xxx@wauwatosa.NET” instead of .GOV?  Who does their IT?

  4. Jason

    Anyone able to see this?   What I see on the Tosa website says you can request a ballot by emailing that address, nothing about voting by sending it back to that address.

  5. jjf

    Jason, is this the first time you’ve looked at government web sites?  Many are not at .GOV.  There is no requirement to do so.

    And yes, I couldn’t find what Belling referenced, either.

    And speaking of antiquities, inspecting the PDF’s properties, I see Belling types his press releases in Notepad and prints to PDF and then uploads to WordPress, and the author is “kronf”?  Who’s that?

    This is like when Grandpa gets a funny email and prints it out and carries it around to show his buddies at the diner.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    You meant to say the “China virus”.



  7. jjf

    It’s pronounced “jai-nuh,” Kevin.

  8. Kevin Scheunemann


    Well, you were way off in your 7:12 AM post, now weren’t you?

    Glad we agree that you were completely wrong in your label.


  9. Mar

    Trump virus? Wow, what a hateful thing to say when Trump and his administration is doing the best they can to stop and maybe cure the disease.
    What are the liberals doing to cure the disease?

  10. jjf

    Wrong about what, Mar?  That it was only two weeks ago that Trump was claiming it was a hoax?

  11. dad29

    “Kronf” is short for Belling’s producer, Paul Kronforst.

  12. jjf

    Thank you…  makes sense…

  13. Mar

    jjf, the mass hysteria and herd mentality by snowflakes was a hoax. The illness is not hoax but the mostly liberals has made this illness worse than it is.

  14. Kevin Scheunemann



    Democrats are running a senile guy who has no clue where and when he is, and you are worried Trump is a little tired from liberal media overreacting to this virus.

  15. Pat


    I’m not worried about anything except the guy who’s supposed to be in charge not having a clue as to what’s going on.

  16. Mar

    Gee, Trump doesn’t know what’s going on? Really, how did he get all the cruise ships to help. How did he get all the private businesses to help with vaccines and possible cures?
    And his delegation of duties is awesome. We have the perfect president in power now.
    Tell me a democrat who would have done a better job?

  17. jjf

    Yeah, Mar, it’s clear that Trump did all that.  You can tell by the way he speaks.

  18. Mar

    I’m sorry, jjf, that you just don’t have the mental capacity to appreciate the work someone does but all you do is hate.
    But again, what liberal could do a better job than Trump? And why.

  19. jjf

    Two weeks ago, it was all a hoax, all a punchline to get a bit more applause at a campaign rally.  Two weeks ago, he’s holding campaign rallies.  Who could do better than that?

  20. Mar

    Once again, jjf, you refuse to answer the question.
    Obviously, you have no clue what you are talking about.

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