Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2038, 24 Mar 20

Washington County Sheriff Schulteis Reacts to Governor’s Shutdown Order

Hats off to Sheriff Schulteis. This is a solid, measured, constitutionally correct way to respond to the Governor’s order.

I am also here to assure you that the words in my leadership direction matter. My staff and I are committed and dedicated to protecting your constitutional guarantees. This order has not suspended the United States Constitution or the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. We are not under “martial law.” You will not be stopped without reasonable suspicion that a violation of law has occurred. This is the same standard that existed prior to this order. You will not be detained or questioned as to why you are leaving your house or questioned as to if the purpose of your travels falls under the essential travel portion of the order. You do not need any documentation to approve travel.

We will investigate and take enforcement action on blatant violations of this order that put our community at great risk. We are asking for voluntary compliance with this order so we can move forward and defeat this enemy. I want to end by thanking the people of Washington County for their compliance, understanding, and great personal sacrifice. Like most law enforcement agencies, we have had to change how we operate during this pandemic. I am here to assure you that the entire Washington County Sheriff’s Office is standing ready to protect and serve for you


2038, 24 March 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


    Good Republican.

  2. Mar

    If they stop you for speeding or something small, can they still ask you what you are doing outside and where are you going?

  3. Owen

    Don’t ask, don’t tell?

  4. Mike

    Mar, police can ask you anything. You would be surprised how many people consent to a search when they have contraband. You don’t have to answer questions.

    Having said that, a little courtesy usually goes a long way in any interaction with the police.

  5. Merlin

    Unless they see a carload of teens yukking it up, why would local LEOs initiate contact just to ask you where you’re going? Even if they have nothing else to do at the moment, they still have better things to do. They’re not Maggie’s nannies.

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