Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0849, 01 Apr 20


Speaker Vos pointed out on Twitter how New York is providing data on a city level and chided Governor Evers for not having that level of detail. I happened upon this dashboard for a county in Texas. Notice the detail… how many are sick; how many are recovered; where the cases are; the source of the infection; gender breakdown; closings; etc. – all of which can be filtered by zip code. Meanwhile, here in Wisconsin, we has so little data.

Wisconsin has the data. Why are they not sharing it? This kind of dashboard is a layup for private industry.


0849, 01 April 2020


  1. MjM

    I’d also like to see  co-morbidity, hospitalizations, recovery totals by hospitalized and non-hospitalized,  and recovery times by hospitalized and non-hospitalized.   This would tell us the actual seriousness of the disease, not just the scaremongering of infections.

    WI started reporting hospitalizations yesterday: 337 of 1351 confirmed cases, with 750 “no” and 264 “unknown”

    But you have to dig it out of of this goofy presentation

    Best source for daily numbers:  The Covid Tracking Project .  Timed screen shots of data from every state.

  2. Owen

    Looks like the same front-end. Good to see!

  3. Merlin

    C’mon, man! Evers and Sith Gau have struggled to display even base competence with the state’s normal day to day operations. Expectations of exemplary leadership in time of crisis will continue to go unrealized. They were in way over their heads on a good day.

  4. Mark Hoefert

    Here is site for Washington & Ozaukee County. Not as comprehensive as the Milwaukee County & example in the post.  Perhaps the quality of information is determined at the county level?



  5. Jenn Donath

    website just updated to that type of detail in the past 24 hours (finally).

    Government sites are horrible to navigate. Just because they have to disclose the info, it doesn’t mean they have to make it easier. Site searches are the easiest way to find things, instead of doing basic searches. If you already know this hack, my apologies! Learning these tricks were a game changer for me!

    site colon dot extension (after this stuff, type in the search term for what you want to find)
    .gov = governement
    .mil = military
    .int = international search term search term search term

    Stay healthy!

  6. Jenn Donath

    Steveegg it still isn’t as cool as the example Owen showed us! ;)

    Mark, I think you’re right with the quality of information at the county level. We’re also very fortunate, relatively speaking, that we are in only double digits for confirmed cases and zero deaths in Washington County. Sadly, when those numbers rise they’ll have more to work with to create those nifty graphs and charts.

    However, even at the state level in WI, the statistics haven’t been presented in the most useful ways, with the breakdown as thorough (and elegent looking) as that county in Texas.

  7. MjM


    I’d also like to see  co-morbidity, hospitalizations, recovery totals by hospitalized and non-hospitalized,  and recovery times by hospitalized and non-hospitalized.   This would tell us the actual seriousness of the disease, not just the scaremongering of infections.

    WI started reporting hospitalizations tuesday: 337 of 1351 confirmed cases, with 750 “no” and 264 “unknown”

    But you have to dig it out of of this goofy presentation

  8. MjM

    (Repost II)

    Best source for daily numbers:  The Covid Tracking Project .  Timed screen shots every day of data from every state.

  9. Owen

    Had a couple comments with links stuck in moderation. Sorry folks. Great comments.

    I think that as we are all siting at home and hungry for data, the lack of it is even more frustrating. For example, telling me that someone in Washington County has died from the Big C is useless data. Where? How did they contract it? Age? Underlying conditions?

    There are few enough cases now that it could be put into a spreadsheet in an afternoon and displayed.

  10. MjM

    Phony nEvers  Prediction: “based on our models, by April 8… 22,000 positives,   440-1500 deaths.”

    Current:   1, 550 positives    24 deaths

    (and per Jenn,  bypass the ‘goofy presentation’ noted above.)

  11. Mar

    I’m sure that we won’t he able to know this, but how many people had a DNR (do not resuscitate) orders.And those who did not want to be put on a ventilator. This could skew the mortality rate higher than with other illnesses.

  12. Mark Hoefert

    Well Owen, your wish is their command – a little more detail available at the Washington/Ozaukee County site – you can now see how many cases per zip code.

  13. dad29

    Note that the U of Washington’s projections are WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY overblown.  They hypothesize 800++ hospital beds needed by yesterday, but only 400++ are actually used per JSOnline.

    Between Fauci and the Projector Class, this is “Revenge of the Nerds” in macro.

  14. jjf

    Hey Dad29, you’ll let us know the moment you know someone who’s died from it, mm’kay?

  15. Pat

    Major spews, “ Phony nEvers Prediction: “based on our models, by April 8… 22,000 positives, 440-1500 deaths.”

    Current: 1, 550 positives 24 deaths”

    Is that a bad thing?

  16. Mar

    jjf, why are you cheering for more deaths?
    That’s a very sick attitude.

  17. jjf

    Mar, saying that someone is cheering for more deaths is a sick attitude.  What makes you do it?  I’m cheering for suppression – fewer deaths.

  18. MjM

    Patsy wonders:   Is that a bad thing?

    Depends.  For whom?

    Phony nEvers Prediction: “based on our models, by April 8… 22,000 positives, 440-1500 deaths.”

    Current: 1, 916 positives  37 deaths

    Only 4.5 days left.  Phony better hurry up and get spreadin’ it.   He’s pretty good at that.  Mebbe after his nappy he’ll get started.


  19. Mar

    jjf, you have been cheering for more deaths constantly. You want the economy over the inner city people, who are mostly black and brown. You rooting for Dad, Kevin and myself to know someone has died of the disease.
    You don’t the drug President Trump touted to be used, even though it is being used and is helpful to many. You would rather have those people die than give Trump credit for being ahead of the curve.
    Yes, you are a very sick person.

  20. Le Roi du Nord

    From Dr Fauci today:

    Americans shouldn’t assume hydroxychloroquine is a “knockout drug” in preventing or treating COVID-19, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Friday.

    “We still need to do the definitive studies to determine whether any intervention, not just this one, is truly safe and effective,” Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on Fox News. “But when you don’t have that information, it’s understandable why people might want to take something anyway even with the slightest hint of being effective.”

    Yes, trump’s knockout drug is being used off-label, but there is no verification that it “is helpful to many”..  None.

  21. Mar

    Le Roi, no it is not a knock out drug by it self but paired with the Z-pac antibiotics, it pretty much is.
    And again you lie. There has quite bit of evidence that it works, especially anecdotal evidence.
    Why do you not want people have it prescribed it?
    Are you like jjf, who does want more people to die to make Trump look bad?

  22. Le Roi du Nord


    Perhaps you should provide all the “evidence” you have to Dr. Fauci rather than making such erroneous and absurd comments on this site? I’m sure Dr Fauci and the nation, perhaps the world, would be ever grateful for your diligence and expertise in coming up with this knockout cure. You would surely be asked to speak at one of trumps press conferences to specifically contradict Dr. Fauci. Go for it!!

  23. jjf

    I dunno, Le Roi, that sounds like a nasty gotcha question.

  24. Mar

    Sorry, Le Roi, Dr. Fauci seems to be the last hold out. Maybe he does need to be replaced.
    There is overwhelming evidence, anecdotal and in papers that are emerging that the drug does help. It may not help everyone but it does help many.
    Maybe you have an ulterior motive, since you use the drug?

  25. Mar

    I guess, Le Roi, the FDA is smarter than as they have approved the drug for use in treating the Corona virus.
    Maybe Dr. Fauci needs to be listening to them.
    And you do know what anecdotal evidence means, don’t you?

  26. Le Roi du Nord

    Sure, I know what anecdotal means; what you are saying is anecdotal.  So far you have provided no proof, links to research papers, nor quotes from any reputable medical person that backs up your claim.  Hence your claim is anecdotal.

    So if you have overwhelming verifiable proof that hydroxychloroquine cures or even “helps many” covid 19 patients,  now is your chance to become famous.  Let’s see your work !

  27. jjf

    Yes, we can ask Mar where he’s getting that information.

  28. Mar

    Gee, jjf, for someone who is very good with computers, I’m surprised you dont know what Google or Yahoo is.
    As far as Le Roi is concerned, well, there’s there’s only so.much you can do with 4 brain cells.

  29. Jason

    >Yes, trump’s knockout drug is being used off-label, but there is no verification that it “is helpful to many”.. None

    You’re still clinging to this? So there was a study in France. It tested on 24 patients. You resist this by referring to an idiot who dies taking something named similar. You’re an idiot.

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