Boots & Sabers

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1332, 03 Apr 20

Evers Proposes Major Overhaul of Election Rules Days Before Election

No. We have known about Coronovirus for weeks now. People have had plenty of time to vote absentee if they wanted to. And those who were planning to vote in person have a right to do so. We held elections during war, civil strife, and other disease outbreaks. We can do it again. Stop messing with our rights.

WISCONSIN — Governor Tony Evers is calling for a special session on Saturday to discuss the upcoming election.

According to the governor, he would like to see absentee ballots mailed out to every Wisconsin citizen who has not yet requested one.

Evers would like to see these ballots mailed out by May 19, and extend the receiving date to May 26.

The special session to discuss these new requests will take place on Saturday, at 4 p.m. Should these new requests go into effect, all in-person voting would be canceled. That includes drive-up voting.


1332, 03 April 2020


  1. Pat

    “ Stop messing with our rights.”

    Please elaborate what you mean about “messing with our rights.”

  2. Owen

    I mean our right to self-governance. By delaying the election and changing rules on the fly, some people will be left out. And some local officials will remain in office after their terms have expired, thus negating the right of the voters to choose their elected officials.

    If people can take precautions and go to the grocery store, then they can go vote. And if they are uncomfortable doing that, they can still order an absentee ballot TODAY. Hold the election.


  3. Pat

    “By delaying the election and changing rules on the fly, some people will be left out.”

    Do you have an example of what people will be left out by delaying the election?

  4. Tuerqas

    “By delaying the election and changing rules on the fly, some people will be left out.”
    Do you have an example of what people will be left out by delaying the election?

    Possibly everyone.  I admit that is unlikely:).

    But seriously, Evers is calling for everyone to be sent absentee ballots so your question is a bad one.  He is not calling for delaying, he is calling for extending the election and the good question, imo, is “Do you have an example of what people will be left out by using a 100% absentee method?” And a good secondary question is:  How easy would it be to influence that particular means of election?

    The reason we have so many pollsters is that they need to check IDs against the current WI logs (even before ID was required you still had to have a name on the list).  So, anyone who is homeless, transient, illegal, recently moved, etc are a significant section that would not be represented because they would not have a current address.

    Sending out ballots to fake addresses, multiple addresses for the same person (alive or dead) would be relatively simple to do.  Similarly, any enterprising group could pick up ballot mail from known empty homes and apartments, though I would be less worried about that.  Given the depth of politics today I would trust neither side to include addresses of all known political enemies and/or to send out ballots to no fake/old/invalid addresses with the intent to fill them out illegally.

    Integrity and 21st century American politics are dichotomous.

  5. steveegg

    Taking a look at Evers’ (WEAC-WEAC) order to call the Legislature into session, there’s several huge stinkers:

    – Despite the desperate plea that the mail-in ballots be allowed to show up as late as 5/26, there is no requirement of a postmark, or any evidence at all, that the ballot was marked prior to 8 pm 5/19.
    – There is no requirement of a witness to said ballot being marked, not even the requirement to claim that one couldn’t find a witness the federal Lawgiver-In-Black has as part of his order.
    – There is an open invitation for the DPW (wholly-owned subsidiary of WEAC) to manufacture votes between 5/19 and 5/26, as there won’t be any controls on when a ballot is marked while there will be partial results with reporting of said results to begin at 8 pm 5/19.  That is an avenue of theft that even the federal Lawgiver-In-Black belatedly shut down as he amended his order to require no reporting of results until after his belated absentee ballot deadline of 4 pm 4/13.
    – With the counting to begin as soon as the last mail-in ballot has been mailed rather than the day of the election, there is a further implicit invitation for the DPW to manufacture votes prior to 5/19 if (or more likely, when) “friendly” municipal clerks decide to leak results early.

  6. steveegg

    Terqas, that’s not quite how voter ID works.  The poll workers only check to see that it is a valid and current (and even the currency requirement is waived in limited cases) form of ID, that the name (more-or-less) matches what is being claimed, and that the picture on the ID (more-or-less) matches the face that’s presenting the ID.

    The address check at the ballot table is a verbal affirmation, without the poll workers looking at the address on the ID.  Where one needs to provide physical proof of address is at the new registration table, which has broadly been the case since at least the 1980s (with the “vouching” exemption eliminated almost a decade ago).

  7. steveegg

    If I were Vos and Fitzgerald, this would be my counter-proposal:

    – Delay the election to May 12, to match the current date of the special election in the 7th Congressional District.
    – Require those who want to vote to actively request an absentee ballot.
    – Require those who want or need to vote in-person, including those who cannot find anybody to witness their ballot, to make an appointment with their municipal clerk.
    – If the election is made 100% mail-in, require the ballots to be at the municipal clerk’s office by 4 pm May 12, and prohibit counting of any ballots until after that time.

  8. Kevin Scheunemann

    This is awful.  Just awful.

    The clerks will have to hold the sanctity of ballots already cast for 6 weeks?

    That is a ridiculous burden.

    Milwaukee is not smart enough to execute this.  They will, invariably, mail out ballots to those who already voted and wil claim ignorance when they have more votes than people!

    Awful.  Just awful.



  9. steveegg

    Milwaukee is not smart enough to execute this.  They will, invariably, mail out ballots to those who already voted and wil claim ignorance when they have more votes than people!

    Oh, they’re smart enough…to stuff the ballot boxes (again).

  10. Jason

    >Do you have an example of what people will be left out by delaying the election?

    The same people that would be disenfranchised by requiring photo id to vote. Those nebulous nobodies that the left always points to.

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