“Just three months ago, we expected positive per capita income growth in over 160 of our member countries in 2020,” she said.
“Today, that number has been turned on its head: we now project that over 170 countries will experience negative per capita income growth this year.”
She added: “In fact, we anticipate the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression.”
Global Economic Downturn
1733, 09 April 2020
President Sniflesgrabinpus is on right now. Time to play, “Like nobody’s ever _____ before”.
Do a shot every time he says that.
TRUMP: “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s gotta be. It’s total.”
Who agrees with him?
Stop it, Pat! This blog can’t talk about things like that!
Anyone know the results of the April 7th election?
“TRUMP: “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s gotta be. It’s total.”
Who agrees with him?”
I didn’t watch the latest press conference.
If he meant only he could open up businesses in the states, then I disagree with him.
The states and local communities can license different business and they can order the business open or closed by withholding the licences.
But if the company is a contractor with the feds or participates in interstate commerce, then that may make a difference.
Yesterday Trump says he has total authority, and one month ago said he takes no responsibility.
This guy is totally unhinged.
As opposed to Democrat and snowflake Republicans governors who actually wrecked the economy by themselves?
Mar, it’s such a mystery what Trump might mean! There’s no way to figure it out! Let’s not watch the clip, and we know Fox won’t replay it and analyze it. Sometimes he says one thing and two minutes later contradicts himself and denies he said the first thing! Surely he doesn’t mean his authority is total!
>and we know Fox won’t replay it and analyze it
You mean like how CNN hasn’t covered anything about Biden’s issues?
Jason, nice pivot, but Mar asked what Trump meant. What do you think?
“There’s no way to figure it out! Let’s not watch the clip, and we know Fox won’t replay it and analyze it.”
Well, I was playing among the virus carriers in Phoenix all day yesterday and then a 4+ hour drive home.
Unlike you, the government deems me essential.
And I’m “essential” in a half-dozen categories, too, and I’ve been working every day, too. Plenty to do. I just make the Dilly Bars and hand them out through the drive-up window.
“Well, I was playing among the virus carriers in Phoenix all day yesterday and then a 4+ hour drive home.”
Well, if you were “playing”, and not working at your essential job, you were being selfish, insensitive, and practicing poor social distancing. And putting yourself and others at an unnecessary risk. For a guy with decades of experience in the medical field that is pretty foolish.
I’ve been deemed essential by my employer as well, and have a document to prove it. But I refuse to act so foolish as to endanger others.
See, Mar is immune and immortal.
It just keeps getting better.
Lec Roi, I actually was working, 9 hours a day at Walmart. But I guess you are not bright enough to figure out that I was working.
I guess I have to say it straight to the point because you just won’t understand what I am saying. I will also write slower because I know you don’t read quickly.
“You are not bright enough…” Mar, why can’t we have a civil conversation?
As far as being immune and immortal, well, I am immortal. What can I say? Being perfect is a flaw of mine.
But after working in special education for over 40 years, along with working in nursing homes, institutions (maybe that’s where we met Le Roi), hospitals and working in Home Depot and Walmart for the past 10 years or so, dealing with people who are standing 2-3 feet or less away from you, I have built up quite the immunity system.
How can you have a polite conversation with Le Roi when all he does is lie and takes things out of context?
Call me crazy, but I guess you could remain civil even in the face of someone else saying something you don’t like.
Mar, I think the point of the pandemic is that no one had any immunity to it. People might have different reactions to it… some severe… but no one was immune as far as we can tell. I don’t think bravado helps you.
President Sniflesgrabinpus is on right now. Time to play, “Like nobody’s ever _____ before”.
I was taking you at your word, “Well, I was playing among the virus carriers in Phoenix all day yesterday” (bold is mine). I was giving you the benefit of the doubt thinking you were telling the truth. Guess I was wrong.
Since writing cogent sentences is still giving you problems, maybe you could get help with some remedial writing skill. A highly educated guy like yourself shouldn’t be burdened by something so easy to fix.