Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2045, 13 Apr 20

Disappointing Election Results

Do you trust the results? Sort of. They are in line with what conventional wisdom thought before the whole Coronavirus thing hit. But who knows how the results might have turned out under normal circumstances. That being said, we have had elections during difficult circumstances before and we just accepted the results and moved on. We’ll do the same here.

Even with the abnormal circumstances, the idiots who passed school referenda to raise their taxes as a third of the workforce hits the unemployment line are, well, idiots.


2045, 13 April 2020


  1. kjanz1899

    I’m sure there will be a recount for the Racine school referendum. It passed by 8 votes! If that fails I’m hoping it goes to court.

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    How stupid is Milwaukee in electing their failed leaders?

  3. Mar

    Yes, I don’t trust the results. And if the Supreme Court race went the other way, I wouldn’t blame the liberals if they didn’t trust the results either.
    They should have counted and announced the results the same night as the election.
    But to have the ballots sit around for a week and opportunities voting shenanigans, I just don’t trust the results.

  4. jjf

    “Idiots.”  Mar, why can’t we just be civil?

    Remember the old days when the WOW counties would reliably vote Republican?  Now I hear it’s down to just WW.

    And remember when the Republicans would have multiple candidates for President in the primary?  There was a whole baseball team last time!

    Now there’s only an authoritarian who does not permit competitors or dissent, and no one is brave enough to run against him.  Freedom!  Wolverines!  Individualist rock-ribbed self-reliant independent thinkers!

  5. Merlin

    Democrats understood that Karofsky could be a win that lasts an entire decade and they made the effort to make it happen, WuFlu or no WuFlu.

    Republicans had one statewide race and they were out-hustled yet again. Don’t blame the pandemic. Wisconsin Republicans were becoming lazy long before there was a WuFlu.


  6. Mar

    ““Idiots.”  Mar, why can’t we just be civil?”
    Where in this post did I call someone an idiot?

  7. Tuerqas

    Yes, I don’t trust the results. And if the Supreme Court race went the other way, I wouldn’t blame the liberals if they didn’t trust the results either.They should have counted and announced the results the same night as the election.But to have the ballots sit around for a week and opportunities voting shenanigans, I just don’t trust the results.

    I think the problem was much simpler than that.  Absentee ballots have to be opened and counted separately.  It just takes longer and with around 80% being absentee (normally 20% would have been considered high) I don’t see a way around it.  And with less people doing the counting due to CV19, I am good with a week to count the votes.

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