Boots & Sabers

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0718, 20 Apr 20

Using Covid to Push Socialism

One wonders if this is not the underlying motivation for why some are pushing us into a depression.

Speaking to CNBC via telephone, Morgan Housel, partner at venture capital firm Collaborative Fund and author of “The Psychology of Money,” said the U.S. had historically not faced any localized destruction deep enough to prompt a widespread shift in thinking. Although he noted the exception of Pearl Harbor and the huge human toll experienced during the Second World War.

“The U.S. did not face as much local devastation during World War II as Europe did — and I think at the end of at the end of World War II, most of Europe came together and said, ‘we just went through this incredible trauma, therefore we want more social safety net, we want less risk, we want a more predictable future,’” he said.

“So I think Americans were just more open to saying, ‘no, I want to swing for the fences and take risks, I don’t need a safety net,’” he explained.

However, the devastation wrought by the coronavirus could push U.S. voters to favor policies supporting social security measures like universal health care or stronger retirement schemes, according to Housel.

“I think maybe this is going to push the United States closer to where Europe has been for the last 60 years in terms of wanting a deeper and more structured social safety net than we currently have right now,” he told CNBC.


0718, 20 April 2020


  1. dad29

    in terms of wanting a deeper and more structured social safety net than we currently have right now,

    Sweet language-manipulation!  That’s a helluva way to describe Statism, ain’a?

    Ask the gilet jaunes about that.

  2. jjf

    Statism?  Is that where we mint several trillion dollar coins and then hand it out without oversight to the wealthiest friends and benefactors of the President?

  3. Jason

    Statism…  where an elected official through an appointed but not confirmed secretary decides to close a large number of businesses as “non-essential” with out any plans to support said owners….  Statism.

  4. jjf

    Jason, whatever you do, don’t look into similar details at the White House.

  5. dad29

    Stumped ol’ Jiffy again.

  6. jjf

    You’re the Acting Secretary of Dodging!  And Extra Vowels!

    Go ahead, show me how Evers’ action violated his authority.

  7. Mar

    I kinda want point this fact and it is a fact.
    The vast majority of “hot spots” is in liberal areas, not conservative areas.
    So if you want blame the forced lockdowns, it is the fault of liberals who couldn’t control themselves.

  8. Le Roi du Nord


    We aren’t sure what you are trying to say here, but your “fact” might not be so factual:

    Per Johns Hopkins University release last week, cases jumped 60% in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, and 82% in Iowa. South Dakota saw a whopping 205% spike.  Hardly hot beds of liberal thought.  And Brown County, WI had a big spike last week as well.

  9. Pat

    Grant, and Walworth counties have seen a increase also.

  10. jjf

    Mar’s confused by the way that the money and smarts concentrates in the big cities.  But there’s lots of common sense out in the flat hinterlands!

  11. Jason

    >Per Johns Hopkins University release last week, cases jumped 60% in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, and 82% in Iowa. South Dakota saw a whopping 205% spike.

    Only your autistic mind would bring percentages to compare with quantities. Poor little fool.

  12. Le Roi du Nord

    And j is puzzled by %s.  But he is more than willing to attempt an insult.

  13. Jason

    Figures you couldn’t understand why your %’s are meaningless to the discussion of quantities.  Dumb northern hick like you can’t even figure out how to safely purchase airline tickets.  I hope your grandkids have come to terms with grandpa’s dementia.

  14. jjf

    And then he delivers even more insult.

    “Dumb northern hicks.”  Awful.  Just awful!

  15. Jason

    You can’t even quote someone right.  Dumbass Foust.

  16. Mar

    Le Roi, like Jason says, percentages are meaningless. But when you are desperate to look smart, you go for the absurd.

  17. Jason

    >Le Roi, like Jason says, percentages are meaningless. But when you are desperate to look smart, you go for the absurd.


    His response to me proves to us all that he doesn’t understand.  He actually thinks he made a counter point by bringing in percentages…  Poor guy.

  18. Le Roi du Nord

    Since you guys can’t or won’t take the time to understand %, here’s some numbers for you:

    Brown County had an increase of 119 confirmed cases from last Friday to yesterday, for a total of 292.

  19. Le Roi du Nord

    And the mortality rate for confirmed cases in WI is right around 5%, so you do the math. Or get a grade schooler to do it for you.

  20. jjf

    But Le Roi, we don’t know the numerator for sure, and we don’t know the denominator with 100% confidence, so the only common-sense answer is to stop trying to find an answer, so we should still be able to go to the Cheesecake Factory and let other people cough and sneeze nearby, as long as they’re six feet away – whatever that really means!  Is it six feet diagonally or vertically or sideways or what if they didn’t really measure the distance between the ‘X’s they put down?

  21. Jason

    >Brown County had an increase of 119 confirmed cases from last Friday to yesterday, for a total of 292.


    I see why you stuck with percentages.   Using a case count of 292 sure doesn’t negate Mar’s statement like you wanted it to…  That statement being The vast majority of “hot spots” is in liberal areas


  22. Jason

    >But Le Roi, we don’t know the numerator for sure, and we don’t know the denominator with 100% confidence, so the only common-sense answer is to stop trying to find an answer, so we should still be able to go to the Cheesecake Factory and let other people cough and sneeze nearby, as long as they’re six feet away – whatever that really means!  Is it six feet diagonally or vertically or sideways or what if they didn’t really measure the distance between the ‘X’s they put down?


    But Mar, because the incorrect models show that millions of people will die from this bug, we need to shut down everything, and we need to postpone voting, and we need to have the governor put every barber out of business.  22+ Million Americans unable to feed their kids is nothing compared to what my flawed models are showing could happen if we don’t wring our hands in our parents basements.

  23. Jason

    >And the mortality rate for confirmed cases in WI is right around 5%, so you do the math. Or get a grade schooler to do it for you.


    And the latest and most comprehensive studies to date show that the actual mortality rate is likely between 0.1% and .028%.   But don’t let that change anything, science is only good when it supports what you want, right, Mr Science?  What the change?  The denominator that little Johnny is trying so hard to gaslight.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    As long as you and mar aren’t in the % you don’t care, right? As long as you don’t listen to the experts you are safe, right?

  25. Mar

    So, if my math is right Le Roi, .1% of the residents of Brown County have the virus.
    .1%. And you shut down the entire county?
    There have been as many car crashes in Brown County during the same time line I bet or close to it. Should we shut down all the roads as well?

  26. jjf

    Jason, the 2.2 million estimate was for doing nothing, not for suppression and testing.  Let’s call it the Cheesecake Factory model.

    Do you think more people will die if lockdowns are lifted than if lockdowns remain?

  27. Jason

    >As long as you don’t listen to the experts you are safe, right?


    What part of “the latest and most comprehensive studies show the actual mortality rate is between 0.1% and 0.28%”?   Those are the experts that you have ignored today…  when you said “5%”.

  28. Jason

    >Jason, the 2.2 million estimate was for doing nothing, not for suppression and testing.


    John, the author of the study who estimated “2.2 million” was wrong, admitted he was wrong.  We cleared that up two weeks ago.  As I’ve said a few times now, new data from new and comprehensive studies (you know, sciency shit that you think conservatives and Christians ignore) show the models were WAY WRONG on their mortality rate… again for the record, between 0.1% – 0.28% mortality rate.

  29. Jason

    >Do you think more people will die if lockdowns are lifted than if lockdowns remain?


    What a stupid stupid question.  I think more people will die from cutting their toe nails than not cutting their toe nails.   Big fucking deal and not germane to anything discussed in the past two months

  30. Mar

    Do you, jjf, think more people and businesses are going to face financial ruin, cause more stress, cause more stress related deaths and illnesses, cause more suicides, cause more homelessness, cause more illnesses other than the virus, cause more domestic violence, increase the number of unwanted babies, lose more public services as tax income shrink for the government if the lockdown continues or not?

  31. Mar

    And I might add, jjf, do you think students are getting as quality of an education using a computer or doing written packets if the lockdown were in place or lifted? Do you think student athletes are benefiting by staying home or out on the ballfields?
    Do you think the mentally disabled are better off staying at home constantly during the lockdown or going out and going to school or work if there was no lockdown in place?

  32. Pat

    People will need to ask themselves, am I better off now than 4 years ago?

  33. Mar

    I guess that is the goal of liberals, wreck the economy so bad that they will be asking this question.

  34. Pat

    Most all states were following the directives given to them from the Federal Executive branch of government. Trump over sees branch.

  35. MjM

    Jason sez :  the author of the study who estimated “2.2 million” was wrong,

    That so-called “expert”, Neil Fergunson, has been wrong on everything he has ever done. It’s a wonder he is still allowed to barf his utter nonsense or that any one still listens to that douche.

    His  ‘expert’ modeling predicted 105 million human US Bird Flu infections.   To date:  0

    His  ‘expert’ modeling predicted 33% of the world population would be infected by swine flu.  It was somewhere between 1o and 20%.

    His ‘expert’ modeling predicted 500,000 cases of human Mad Cow variant vCJD (Cruetzfeld-Jakob) in the UK.  Then he adjusted and lowered it to 136,000 cases.  Undeterred, his ‘expert’ modeling predicted 100,000 additional deaths eating from lamb infected with the human variant of Mad Cow.

    Since 1997, as of 2018, a grand total of 229  vCJD cases have been confirmed world wide.


  36. Mar

    Yes, Pat, you are correct but now President Trump has asked that most states reopen and the Democrat governors are resisting that call.

  37. Pat

    Trump just praised, during his daily briefing, those governors who have developed plans to open up their states.

  38. Pat

    I don’t know about Arizona, I don’t live there so they can do what they want, but Wisconsin has a plan to reopen the state, pretty much following the Trump directive for reopening.

  39. Mar

    As he should. But many Democrat governors are making excuses about not opening up. Especially Evers.
    They should be excited about opening up but they are not.
    My GOP governor in Arizona has been silent, and I don’t like what he is doing. I hope he gets primaried.

  40. Pat

    Trump just said he’s stopping all immigration in order to protect jobs for Americans. There’ll be lots of people looking for jobs and Americans take priority for those jobs. Hopefully all those American workers will adapt to picking crops as migrant workers evidently won’t be allowed in to do it.

  41. Mar

    Pat, that’s not true about Wisconsin. Evers has issued the order until May 26, way over 2 weeks President from what President says. How do you know that the number of cases won’t decrease starting tomorrow or next week?
    No governor has extended until May26th that I know of and certainly not in the Midwest.

  42. Pat


    As you don’t live in Wisconsin you probably haven’t seen his plan to reopen the state. He announced it this morning. It pretty much follows the directive given by Trump.

  43. Mar

    Pat, did he just stopped immigration or did he also stop migrant workers?
    2 different things.

  44. Pat

    Hold on, I see that temporary work visas will still be issued.

    “the administration will also continue processing visas for temporary workers, the biggest source of immigration at the moment.”

    So there will be a stop in letting immigrants come to the US except for the majority of immigrants.

  45. Le Roi du Nord

    j and mar:

    And again your reading comprehension fails you.  You should have asked that 4th grader to do the math for you.

  46. Mar

    From the Washington Post: “Later that week, however, authorities resumed processing H-2A visas for seasonal guest workers. The country’s agricultural laborers have been officially declared “essential workers,” including hundreds of thousands of people who enter the country under that temporary visa.”
    But hey, kids are looking jobs, they can work on a farm.
    And if I didn’t have a job, no unemployment comp, I would mind working on a farm as well. I don’t mind the hard work or the dirt.

  47. Mar

    So, Le Roi, what I get wrong? I used the current number of cases you provided and used the most current population of Brown County.
    Prove me wrong.

  48. Le Roi du Nord

    Read it again.

  49. Mar

    So, you are unable to prove me wrong. Again.
    Nice try Le Roi.

  50. Mar

    Pat, I think you are right. As far as I am concerned, the border guards need to do temperature checks on every body going to and from Mexico. I have 2 friends I want to visit there and I really cannot. I have no problem with immigrant workers, for the most part, and I have no problems with people coming over to shop, as long as they don’t have an increased temperature.

  51. Pat


    Plus Trump depends on these workers for his resorts and golf courses. Makes sense.

  52. Mar

    Well, not anymore since he laid off most of his staff.

  53. Pat

    I’m sure his resorts and golf courses will be opening soon.

  54. dad29

    but Wisconsin has a plan to reopen the state, pretty much following the Trump directive for reopening.

    No, it’s not “a plan,” and no, it’s not “to reopen”.   Tony’s Grand Announcement–if you read the plain English written by his Abortion Barbie “Health” (and Hillary marketing) secretary–will strangle commerce in this State until September.

    Sure hope LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy’s little Up Nort’ paradise can survive with no tourists.

  55. Mar

    Pat, you are right. Mar a Logo is in Florida and I think they are opening up the state soon.

  56. Pat

    Did we really have a booming economy if 80% of the population can’t miss a couple pay checks?

  57. jjf

    Clearly it’s a matter of personal responsibility, Pat.  It couldn’t be anything by design.  Senators, for example, are very very personally responsible.  That’s why their investments make so much money when they’re in office.

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