Boots & Sabers

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0745, 25 Apr 20

Sound Off

I was bemused by this Sound Off in the Washington County Daily News this morning.

Who is this Owen Robinson and why does he continue to have a voice in the Daily News? His views are usually without merit or basis in fact. In his most recent column (Tuesday) why does he think that the “economic and societal devastation” is coming from the governor’s mansion? It must be because the governor is not in tune with Robinson’s political ideology. Instead, why does he not direct his ire toward President Trump, whose guidelines for dealing with the pandemic Evers is following? Oh, that’s right. He shares the same political views as the infallible Trump, a being so supreme that he cannot be blamed for anything.

— Raymond Pinter, West Bend

Ummmm… the lock down order was issued by Governor Evers. That’s why. On the bright side, the person seems to agree with me that the order is causing “economic and societal devastation.” He just wants me to blame Trump instead, or something. Or is it that he agrees with the lock down so I should praise Trump for implementing it? I’m not tracking on his line of thought… 


0745, 25 April 2020


  1. Mar

    Could have been sent by jjf, Pat or Le Roi.
    They don’t make sense most of the time.

  2. Pat

    For every action, there’s a reaction.

  3. Kevin Scheunemann

    I think Mar nailed it.

  4. Le Roi du Nord

    Wrong again.  No surprise.

  5. jjf

    OK, let’s break it down.

    Who is this Owen Robinson and why does he continue to have a voice in the Daily News?

    Fair question.  Owen could answer it.  Why do you have a column?

    In my experience, the opinion page editor has a hole to fill and they’re happy to have anyone who can deliver column inches on a regular basis, as long as they’re generating enough controversy to give them the impression you’re holding or gaining readership, but not controversial enough that you’re going to cause actual legal trouble.  Or maybe your views are in line with the publisher.  That trumps everything.  It’s all about the loyal subjects.

    His views are usually without merit or basis in fact. In his most recent column (Tuesday) why does he think that the “economic and societal devastation” is coming from the governor’s mansion?

    See, Raymond, it was all a set-up for what came next.  Owen has his blinders on, and he has talking points and marching orders from Americans For Prosperity, a Koch-funded group, and they see political opportunity in opposing the pandemic.  So Owen leapt on this because he wants more government workers to be laid off.  You know, like the Arts Board.  If only they were laid off, all this would be better.  What, you can’t Follow That Logic?  It’s impeccable!  And as you suggest, Raymond, it didn’t even require Owen to investigate whether any government workers had actually already been laid off.

    It must be because the governor is not in tune with Robinson’s political ideology. Instead, why does he not direct his ire toward President Trump, whose guidelines for dealing with the pandemic Evers is following?

    Raymond is correct here, no?  Trump’s own administration has a pandemic plan that features suppression: the lockdown of areas to prevent blowups of infection that could overwhelm the health care system.  Anyone care to refute that?

    Oh, that’s right. He shares the same political views as the infallible Trump, a being so supreme that he cannot be blamed for anything.

    Owen trumpets Trump when it suits him.  When Trump’s words or policies are obviously bananas to even Owen, then Owen doesn’t say anything about it here or in the Daily News.  It’s simple!

    And after Trump has left office, Owen will grudgingly admit he was a Never Trumper all along, but that Republicans Must Fall In Line, so he did support a few of his policies.

  6. Mar

    I think the hater, jjf sent the letter.

  7. jjf

    Always doxxing, Mar!  That’s right!  You figured it out!  I’m actually Raymond Pinter of West Bend!

    What did you say your brains are made of, when you get salty and want to start calling names?

    Why can’t we just have a civil reasoned conversation?  It’s a mystery!  And who knows what truth is, with 100% certainty?

  8. Jason

    God damn Jiffy you sound like a jealous spurned lover. You need help.

  9. Pat

    Now that’s perfection!!

  10. Pat

    Trump cult members ingesting cleaners. Who else would be so stupid to believe what comes out of his mouth.

  11. Pat

    They’ll be lining up to drink it like Jonestown cultists.

  12. Mar

    NYC liberals,apparently,Pat.

  13. Mar

    You see. Pat liberals like you are sheeple.
    You and your other hating ilk will do anything your liberal Overlords tell you to say and do.
    Conservatives are not like that. We have independent thought.
    You just have hate.

  14. Pat

    liberals don’t listen to, nor believe, Trumps nonsense. They know, like all other well educated people, that Trump is a lying snake oil salesman.

  15. Mar

    Well, see Pat, you are a good little liberal. No independent thought and you do what your liberal puppeteers tell you what to say and do.
    Do you do tricks for them as well? Like set up and beg for your government hand outs?

  16. jjf

    Mar, exactly which government handouts do you receive?  More than me?

  17. Pat

    Mar, who are the liberal puppet masters you are referring to, and what are they telling me to say. Please be specific, and factual.

  18. Mar

    You mean you said those things. Good lord, and here I thought you had a brain.

  19. Pat

    Come on, Mar. Tell me who the puppet masters are, and what they are telling me. You talk like you know all about it. So let’s hear what you have.

  20. Pat

    You have nothing, Marbles? For a person who likes to tout his education and extraordinary life experience credentials, you are quick to fall silent when unable to back up your accusations about puppet masters and what they are telling me.

  21. Mar

    Pat, apparently you and Le Roi have no sense of humor along with the lack of common sense.
    But both of you have hate in your hearts and minds.

  22. Pat

    Marbles, so that’s a hard no from you.
    Kevin, what do you think of Mar bearing false witness. Don’t you think it’s awful. Just awful?

  23. Mar

    I wouldn’t talk about bearing false witness, Pat. Just remember your lies in the past and your total BS excuses about your lie.
    Just remember, you brought this Lying Pat.

  24. Pat


    And we’re off and running…………

    Please provide the lie that I specifically made. Please be specific that the alleged lie originated from me.

  25. Mar

    We’ve already done this. I pointed out your specific lies, you acted or maybe you are really that dumb that you didn’t understand your original post was a lie and you refused to correct your lie.
    And I don’t think you provided your source and we provided links to disprove your lies.
    So, when you say someone is bearing false witness, remember, you are also a liar.

  26. Pat

    I shared an observation made by an individual at the rally. In your opinion you believed that observation to be a lie. In my opinion I found the observation credible and true. I provided links where there were differing opinions as to what happened.

    No where did I say I was there and made the observations that you are contesting. We have a difference of opinion, but that in itself does not constitute any lie that was made, nor originated directly from me.

    An extraordinarily educated person, such as yourself, should be able to make that distinction. Or maybe you’re not as smart as you perceive yourself being.

  27. Pat

    So, Mar, who are the puppet masters and what are they making me say? Come on, you can come up with something.

  28. Mar

    Lying Pat, you can have opinion but you don’t have the right to lie and produce false information.
    You put it out as fact, which clearly was fse.
    Ad far as the people giving your talking points, it’s probably just the voices in your head telling what to say. The hateful, lying voices.

  29. Pat

    Still waiting for you to produce the lie I directly made. Be specific.

  30. Mar

    I’m sorry Pat, but if you were any slower, you would need watering once a week.

  31. Pat

    The words of a person who can’t produce anything.

  32. Mar

    I can produce the truth, unlike you.

  33. Pat

    Well, we’ll wait for you to produce it. So far, you have nothing.

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