Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0818, 07 May 20

3.169 Million More People Are Unemployed this Week

To put this in perspective, 3.169 million people is more than the entire workforce of Wisconsin. Imagine if every single worker in Wisconsin was laid off in a single week. There’s nobody to stock the grocery stores. There is nobody to repair the power grid. There’s nobody to process that insurance claim. There’s nobody to repair that car. 3.169 people just sent home to collect a government check that’s being paid for by our grandchildren. That is the economic damage that these government lockdowns are forcing on us.

Another 3.169 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the week ending May 2, exceeding economists expectations for 3 million initial jobless claims. The prior week’s figure was revised higher to 3.846 million from the previously reported 3.839 million. So far over the past seven weeks, more than 33 million Americans have filed unemployment insurance claims.


0818, 07 May 2020


  1. Jason

    I can’t fathom how Leroy seems to be supporting Evers and all the others who are locking down so much for so little… when I witnessed his bitching and moaning about how much Foxconn is going to cost his grandkids.   The truest definition of Trolling that I’ve ever seen.

  2. jjf

    Are you out of work, Jason?

  3. Jason

    Are you Leroy’s super smart dog?

  4. jjf

    Were you out of work before the pandemic?

  5. Jason

    >Were you out of work before the pandemic?

    If I had to guess, Leroy’s dog is smarter than you.  I bet his dog’s bookshelf is better than yours too.

  6. Pat

    More winning! Thank you President Trump!

  7. Mar

    Really Pat? How many states did President Trump shut down?

  8. jjf

    Mar, you know he had broken tests for a virus that didn’t exist yet, right?

  9. Mar

    Right, Troll. I hear he was at the CDC personally over seeing the production of those tests.
    But, hey, congratulations Troll. The more people out of work, the happier you are.

  10. Pat

    I forgot, it’s Obama’s fault.

  11. dad29

    I can’t fathom how Leroy seems to be supporting Evers and all the others who are locking down so much for so little

    Watch that go into full reverse when LeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRoy’s county goes BK for lack of tourists and vacay-home owner-visits.

  12. Jason

    Pat, you know it’s false, you know he’s backed down from it, and you’re using it as a “crutch”?


    Let’s be honest, I’d rather hear that dumbshit stuff from Trump than that dumbshit stuff from Hillary.  So that is a positive.

  13. Pat

    “I’d rather hear that dumbshit stuff from Trump than that dumbshit stuff from Hillary.”

    And, honestly, you are.

  14. Jason

    Reminds me of Hillary’s campaign ads.  Probably the same team.

  15. Pat

    The sad thing is it’s happening now, under Trumps watch.

    Each voter will need to ask themselves, “Am I better off now than 4 years ago?”

  16. jjf

    Imagine if we stacked all those workers, it would be 3,451 miles tall!

  17. Jason

    >“Am I better off now than 4 years ago?”

    No one needs to ask “Am I better off than I would have been with the other choice!” They know they’re better… 100%.

  18. Jason

    >Imagine if we stacked all those workers, it would be 3,451 miles tall!


    Look at Labradoodle Bookshelf, he knows how tall each of the 3.159 Million workers are and added them all up!  We’re so proud of our little special Johnny, cracking jokes while over 30 million fellow citizens of his are not able to work.

  19. jjf

    Jason, if I told you about government leaders who said you had to sacrifice your life to save the economy, what kind of government would you call that?

  20. Pat

    “No one needs to ask “Am I better off than I would have been with the other choice!” They know they’re better… 100%.”

    That would be a hypothetical guess at best, and something we’ll never know for sure. All we can do is make assumptions based on fact and where this country is at this moment.

  21. Jason

    Always the non-sequitur from Johnny, old Faithful.

  22. Mar

    jjf, that country would have 1 really strong military fotce.

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