Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0855, 15 Jun 20

UW Campuses to Open In Fall

Excellent. Frankly, things like Mono, Meningitis, and STDs worry me more on a college campus than the Rona.

The UW System announced Sunday that all campuses would have some degree of in-person instruction this fall.

Leaders on each campus will make their own decisions on what exactly the fall semester will look like. But the system administration has released guidelines for how to reopen in the safest way possible.

“We know the on-campus experience is what our students want,” UW System President Ray Cross said in a statement. “At the same time, we must all recognize that our universities will be different this fall than what we’re used to and there will be campus-based decisions on how to best address particular issues. But students will be back on campus this fall.”


0855, 15 June 2020


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