Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0805, 29 Jun 20

Couple Defends Home

Good for them.

A couple brandished an AR-15 and a handgun at protesters marching past their mansion in an upscale St. Louis neighborhood.

Husband and wife, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, could be seen aiming the guns at demonstrators who walked by their palatial property in the wealthy Forest Park area at around 6pm on Sunday.

While the couple is easy to tease for their poor weapon handling and wealthy trappings, they are expressing what many of us are feeling. Our neighborhoods are being overrun by violent rioters and the police are letting them do it. That leaves it to each of us to defend our lives and our property by ourselves. Given the current state of things, did this couple have any reasonable expectation that the cops would come and defend their home? Was there a reasonable expectation that this crowd might decide to sweep through their home, rob it, and burn it? That kind of violence is happening all over the country and this couple acted to defend themselves and their property. Good for them.


0805, 29 June 2020


  1. Merlin

    They ought to invest in some firearms training before they hurt themselves.

  2. Randall Flagg

    Our neighborhoods are being overrun by violent *rioters* and the police are letting them do it.

    There have been protests in 45+ cities in Wisconsin.  I have only seen reports of violent rioters in a few of those.

    Plus, as I highlighted, you used the word rioters  This article uses protestors.  Big difference.

    Was there a reasonable expectation that this crowd might decide to sweep through their home, rob it, and burn it?

    Only a small percentage of the protests have turned to violence, and it has usually not been the same people protesting as rioting.  So, statistics would say they did not have a reasonable expectation protestors would riot.

    I am 100% against rioting, and believe any who engage it in should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  However equating protestors to rioters is ridiculous.

  3. jjf

    See, all those gun safety rules are so easily dismissed, aren’t they?

    Just “tease” them!

    It was an accident!  I didn’t mean to point it at you!  I didn’t mean to pull the trigger!

  4. Mar

    So these “protestors” broke through the gate of a gated community, so they already showed they were violent and disrespectful. Plus St. Louis has had problems with rioting and looting. Further, apparently no police were present.
    I don’t blame them 1 bit.

  5. Jason

    Hey Johnny, how many people did the couple accidentally shoot?  How many negligent discharges happened?  Apparently the shitty reporters didn’t include that number in what I read.


    Your fear of guns is second only to your fear of white people who don’t like being called “Racist”.

  6. Randall Flagg

    At one point, the pair seemed to be unknowingly pointing their weapons at one another other while trying to keep protesters away



  7. Mar

    Well, Jason, when a 3 year old toddler was killed in Chicago, he automatically blamed guns in the house.
    Except the toddler was killed in his father’s car.
    But no concern about the child. Just concerned about the gun in the house, that didn’t exist.

  8. jjf

    Don’t worry, they won’t be charged for anything.  They’re old rich white attorneys.

  9. Mar

    What would they be charged with jjf?

  10. Kevin Scheunemann

    I love it!

  11. Randall Flagg


    Remember according to Mar, it is OK to threaten and attack people based on association.  Given how Christians have attacked and killed others over the centuries, I am sure Mar would not have a problem with what the protestors did.

    I however do, and those that attacked the group should be held accountable (unless the Catholic group members tripped and fell into the protestors, and the picture is just the protestors trying to hold the elderly gentleman up.   According to Trump that happens to elderly people in protests.)

  12. Mar

    “Remember according to Mar, it is OK to threaten and attack people based on association.”
    Hmm, I don’t recalling saying that.
    Please enlighten me.

  13. Randall Flagg

    Well, Mar:

    You excused the behavior of those guns pointing at protestors by saying:

    So these “protestors” broke through the gate of a gated community, so they already showed they were violent and disrespectful. Plus St. Louis has had problems with rioting and looting. Further, apparently no police were present.
    I don’t blame them 1 bit.

    You have no proof the couple was pointing guns at those who broke through the gate.  You also have no proof those with the guns pointed at them had participated in the rioting and looting in other parts of the city.

    In short, you said what the couple did was OK simply by association, not any proof of a threat from the protestors.  That is the exactly the same thing cops have been doing for decades:  arresting minorities just because of what other minorities have done.


  14. jjf

    Weird.  Where’s the usual ammosexual critique and exposition about proper trigger discipline and choice of weapon?

  15. Randall Flagg

    St. Louis Couple Pointed Guns At Protestors And Got Meme'd Hard

  16. Mar

    That’s right Randall, they were expressing their opinions, don’t come on our property.
    Nothing wrong with that.
    They didn’t arrest anyone. They didn’t threaten to shoot unless they were threatened.
    They certainly didn’t attack anyone.
    And how did the protestors get into the neighborhood without going through a knocked down gate?
    Wow, you really do live in a fantasy world if you believe the crap you write.

  17. Le Roi du Nord

    Were that a black couple pointing weapons at a crowd of white protestors the outcome would have been entirely different.

  18. Randall Flagg

    Were that a black couple pointing weapons at a crowd of white protestors the outcome would have been entirely different.

    They would not even need to be holding weapons.  Just ask Botham Jean…well if we could ask him.

  19. Randall Flagg


    Oh, I am entirely in reality.  For example I saw the Supreme Court decision on the Louisiana abortion law.  Isn’t that reality great!

  20. Mar

    It’s fine unless you are one of the babies getting killed in or out of the womb.
    Then it sucks.

  21. Mar

    “Were that a black couple pointing weapons at a crowd of white protestors the outcome would have been entirely different.”
    Well, lately there have been Black men carry big weapons in a peaceful manner and nothing has happened to them.
    But Le Roi is entitled to his racist opinions.

  22. Randall Flagg

    It is impossible to kill a baby inside the womb Mar.  After all, the definition of baby is “a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.”

    Perhaps you need to go back to biology class and learn the difference between an embryo, fetus and baby.

    If abortion bothers you though, you don’t have to have one.  No one is forcing you or anyone to.

  23. jjf

    Randall!  Don’t tell them about the img tag!

  24. dad29

    embryo, fetus and baby.

    Which of the three is human, Fugg??

  25. Randall Flagg

    embryo, fetus and baby.

    Which of the three is human, Fugg??

    Dad29:  Chief Justice John Roberts is showing himself to be human lately.

  26. Mar

    Randall, you need to learn some science,view an ultrasound, see some aborted babies.

  27. Randall Flagg

    I do know science  Science does not refer to a fetus as a baby.  They are very clear on terminology.  So it is impossible to see an aborted baby.

    Pro-lifers who use the term baby to refer to a fetus are incorrect.

  28. MjM

    Randy Flags dances nicely: “Chief Justice John Roberts is….”

    … irrelevant to the question you chicken-shitted out of answering.

    And apparently you actually don’t know jack about “science” as you are obviously ignorant of the meaning of “fetus”. As Nazi Nort would say, you could look it up.

    Here are the scientists at John Hopkins:

    “Each week of pregnancy includes a description of your baby’s development, as well as an explanation of the changes taking place in your body. You’ll also find important medical info that will help keep you and your baby healthy.”

    Here are the scientists at Mayo Clinic:

    “For your baby, the first trimester is a time of rapid growth and development. Your baby’s brain, spinal cord and other organs begin to form, and your baby’s heart begins to beat. Your baby’s fingers and toes even begin to take shape.”

    Here are the scientists at Duke University Medical,

    “If a concern is suspected, advanced imaging may be recommended to help doctors detect and monitor issues that can occur as your baby develops. Imaging options include targeted fetal ultrasound, fetal echocardiography (ultrasound that studies your baby’s heart and blood flow), and MRI.”

    Cultists who enjoy killing the unvoiced innocent use the term “fetus” in attempt to remove “human life” from the kill.

    It doesn’t work.

  29. Randall Flagg

    Swing and a miss Mjm.  Those are not scientific journals or textbooks.  They are care guides for pregnant women.

    And, just like Mar,  if you don’t believe in abortions, don’t have one.  Only cult members want to limit choices.


  30. MjM

    Randy Flags plays T-ball: “Swing and a miss …”

    Indeed you did, because you simply can’t grasp the fact that “baby” is an encompassing term – as the above statements from three of the most respected medical institutions prove.

    “Fetus” is a time frame of human life, and just as “adult “ is used to encompass “young”, “middle age” and “elderly”, “baby” is used to encompass “fetus”, “infant”, and “toddler”.

    That you personally dismiss that reality is immaterial.

  31. jjf

    Oh, I’ve raised a few kids, trust me, there will come a time when you will want to push them from the nest.

  32. Mark Hoefert

    @ John Foust:

    Don’t worry, they won’t be charged for anything.  They’re old rich white attorneys.

    More importantly, they are old rich white Democrat attorneys.  In a city ruled by Democrats. That is what is key to not being charged.

    Might explain the poor handling of the guns.

    As RS McCain noted on his blog, “The McCloskeys are Democrats (tort lawyers generally are) who have donated to Joe Biden, but you can imagine their panic at seeing a smelly mob of protesters come barging onto their private street. And yeah, if you’re a rich white guy living in a mansion in a Democrat-run city like St. Louis, better keep your AR-15 handy, because . . . Well, you can finish that sentence.”


  33. Randall Flagg


    Thanks for proving my point baby is not a scientific term.  Science is about precision, and given baby does not have that precision, it is not useful in science.

    It also gives me the freedom to dismiss the claims of pro-lifers that “babies are being killed”, because I can choose the infant/toddler definitions and say “no they are not, and if they are, I hope the perpetrators are prosecuted.”

  34. jjf

    Don’t fret, Randall.  These are the same people who believe Obama thinks there are fifty-seven states.  Language is precise and people aren’t capable of flexibility or mistakes!

  35. Jason

    Don’t worry Mark, John Foust expressed his fear of guns and his ammosexuality and so he doesn’t care about any new developments or facts.  He’s a closed book on his overstuffed bookshelf.

  36. Randall Flagg

    I did Jason.  I find it sad tax dollars can be used to support organizations with the history of enabling child abuse like the Catholic Church has.

    As a bonus, I show my maturity by not mangling your user name.  You show your lack of maturity by mangling mine.

  37. Jason

    So you support killing the babies – probably with tax dollar support – and then the lucky ones that do survive have to be well enough off to pay for their own private schooling if they want?


    What’s worse child abuse?  The handful of sicko’s and their sicko support network, or abortion?  If there’s a scale of such things, I would think dead is “worse”?

  38. Randall Flagg

    Nope don’t support killing babies.   However an abortion is not killing babies.  It is terminating a fetus.

    And it was not a handful of sicko’s.  4000+ is not  a handful.  And the support network went all the way to the top.

    If private schools want to improve access, they should lower their tuition. They have plenty of money to do so…look at the wealth of the Catholic Church for example.

  39. Mark Hoefert

    I should have checked Althouse before I posted about the couple with the guns.  Seems like they are Republicans, not Democrats. Different guy with same name, I guess.

    But, the advice of needing to be armed still makes sense.

    Here is something Althouse opined about in a follow up post:

    Last year, the question What law-abiding person needs an assault weapon? was asked as if it were self-answering and the answer was Obviously, no one.Last year.






  40. Mar

    You are a very sick person, Randall.

  41. Jason

    >And it was not a handful of sicko’s.  4000+ is not  a handful.  And the support network went all the way to the top.

    4000+, and how many babies have been killed for a mother’s convenience?

    You can say “fetus” instead of “baby” if you want to be immature.  I don’t get hung up on semantics.  You support it, you revel that the SC removed some restrictions to get it.  And yet you worry about historic child abuse, your dichotomy on this is interesting.

    >If private schools want to improve access, they should lower their tuition. 

    Looks like the SC disagrees with you on that.  Tax credits are a legit way to make it more affordable.   Way to go Supreme Court!  They have helped the survivors of Flunks baby killing purge!

  42. Mar

    Randall, you complain about the Catholic church about sexual abuse. Fair enough.
    But you remain silent about the sexual abuse going on in public schools.
    Guess what, it happens and lately far more often than the Catholic church.
    A lot more teachers being arrested and who knows how many that are not charged.
    But Randall, you are silent.
    That’s as screwed up as a football bat.

  43. jjf

    Randall, what, you’re saying you don’t get a thrill by doxxing people? Or adding extra vowels to their name?  Or inventing nicknames?  Are you some kind of civilized pervert?

  44. Randall Flagg

    But you remain silent about the sexual abuse going on in public schools.

    I do?  Hmmm…well I admit their is abuse in public schools.  But as I said before (which means I wasn’t silent FYI), it does not compare to the Catholic Church.  The Church knew it was going on for decades, allowed the abusers to continue, moved them to other churches when one got suspicious, and continue to fight releasing information.  The cover up went to the very top of the church.

    In addition priests were assaulting nuns, and when they got pregnant, forcing them to have abortions.

    There is simply no comparison of abuse in school versus the Catholic church.


  45. Randall Flagg


    You can define abortion the way you want, and I can define it the way I want.  Isn’t that great!  But you can’t force your definition on me.

    As I said, no one is forcing you to have one.

    Also, given men can (and do) walk away from a pregnancy, abortion is an equalizer as well.  Ad din rape, and it is clear we need abortion to be available.

  46. Randall Flagg

    Randall, what, you’re saying you don’t get a thrill by doxxing people? Or adding extra vowels to their name?  Or inventing nicknames?  Are you some kind of civilized pervert?

    Yeah.  I am funny that way.

  47. Mar

    Randall, you really that dense that you don’t think the exact same thing doesn’t happen in public schools than happens in Catholic church?
    In 2015, about 500 teachers were arrested for sexual assault. Thousands more have been arrested since then.
    At least the Catholic is doing something about it.
    But public schools and people like you pretty much ignore it.
    It’s time to put your big boy pants on and admit there is a serious problem, on par with the Catholic and other churches.

  48. Mar

    Gee, Troll jjf, maybe if you would act like an adult sometime, maybe we can treat you like an adult.
    But we cannot expect much from someone doesn’t even know how to use a simple data base.

  49. Kevin Scheunemann

    These protestors busted down a steel gate.

    I admire the homeowners restaint faced with an unruly, criminal, THREATENING, trespassing mob.

    Liberals cheer the criminal mob.

  50. jjf

    Where’s the lecture about trigger discipline?  About how to hold a pistol?

  51. Jason

    Somewhere else Johnny, keep going from blog to blog until you get your stupid question answered.

  52. dad29

    Chief Justice John Roberts

    Very clumsy evasion, Fugg.  Answer the question.

  53. Randall Flagg

    In 2015, about 500 teachers were arrested for sexual assault. Thousands more have been arrested since then. …But public schools and people like you pretty much ignore it.

    Wait, if public schools and people like me ignore it, how did they get arrested?   Those two sentences contradict each other.

    I am glad school districts are reporting them, instead of allowing them to continue to prey on children for decades as the church allows.

    Glad we know who they are, unlike with several dioceses who refuse to release names.  That allows predatory priests to go to a different parish and continue to prey with no one knowing their past.

    Glad schools are not lobbying against laws to protect children and increase the statue of limitations like the churches are.  At last count, the Catholic Church had spent more than $10M in such lobbying efforts.

    Glad we don’t see a worldwide conspiracy of abuse in schools, as we see in churches, with the head of the church being fully aware and doing nothing.

    I will repeat what I have said before.  Every organization has bad employees.  However none have gone to the lengths of the Catholic church in allowing them to continue and shielding them from prosecution.




  54. MjM

    Randy Flaggs  remains confused: Science is about precision, and given baby does not have that precision, it is not useful in science.

    ~snicker~  Under that dartboard logic the terms homo sapien and geometry are likewise useless to science because they are imprecise.  Indeed, math and species are just unscientific drivel, eh?

    Randy Flaggs displays A+ hypocrisy: But you can’t force your definition..

    But as you have shown, you sure can try.

    Demonstrating your ignorance is quite different from forcing you to put it aside. Only you can do that.  And yes, you are free to do so, or not.

    For instance….

    A live “fetus” is expelled, or removed for necessary medical treatment, 45 days before the calculated full gestation period.  As this clump of cells is, given your demand for “precision”,  technically still in the fetal stage of development, explain to us, precisely, how this living homo sapien is not a baby.

    And secondly, what happens to you if you walk into the NICU and cut that ball-shaped pile of cells most of us call a head off?

    Of course, I don’t expect you to actually offer any explanation or answer for the above scenarios.  Most likely you’ll just TRUMBARK!TRUMPBARK! something to change the subject or offer some other irrelevant retort.


    Randy Flags gets it right in the wrong way:   There is simply no comparison of abuse in school versus the Catholic church.

    SMH.  Your ignorance is unbounded.

    As one who was stalked, literally, by an alcoholic priest 50 years ago I can tell you A) that pedophilia and pederasty is far more prevalent in the general public than in the Catholic Church,  B) it is has been wide spread, ignored, passed along, and covered up as much if not more in public school systems, and C) the truth remains hidden is because the leftist BigShit media refuses to highlight it or even mention it while shouting CATHOLICS!! at the top of their lungs because….  narrative.

    For one “small” 20-year long example, see: Redlands Unified School District


  55. Randall Flagg

    embryo, fetus and baby.

    Which of the three is human, Fugg??


    * there is no standard definition for baby so it can’t be baby

    * also embryos and fetus are a stage in the development of all mammals, not just humans.  So you cannot say an embryo or fetus and fetus is human, as it could be animals.

    You almost had me with that trick question, dad29.  Well played.

    Here’s one for you:  If a pregnant woman is baptized, is the embyo or fetus she is carrying also baptized?  Why or why not?

  56. Randall Flagg

    A live “fetus” is expelled, or removed for necessary medical treatment, 45 days before the calculated full gestation period.  As this clump of cells is, given your demand for “precision”,  technically still in the fetal stage of development, explain to us, precisely, how this living homo sapien is not a baby.

    Fetal stage ends when the fetus is expelled or removed.  Thus it is not in the fetal stage.  Do some research before you make such silly assertions.

    As one who was stalked, literally, by an alcoholic priest 50 years ago I can tell you A) that pedophilia and pederasty is far more prevalent in the general public than in the Catholic Church,  B) it is has been wide spread, ignored, passed along, and covered up as much if not more in public school systems, and C) the truth remains hidden is because the leftist BigShit media refuses to highlight it or even mention it while shouting CATHOLICS!! at the top of their lungs because….  narrative.

    Anecdotal data is not proof.  Nor is one school district equivalent to the entire catholic church.

    And secondly, what happens to you if you walk into the NICU and cut that ball-shaped pile of cells most of us call a head off?

    Depends on a lot of factors what you will be charged with, but assuming you do cut it completely off and other factors, you have murdered an infant and should be charged with murder.

  57. Randall Flagg

    So apparently I (according to posters) over-criticize Trump, while they don’t criticize Trump no matter what he does.

    I will proudly stay in the over-criticize category, especially seeing it makes them so uncomfortable their only retort is personal attacks.  Jim Jones’ followers reacted the same way when Jim was criticized.  And, Jim used a lot of the same critics Trump is using.

    I wonder how long until Trump supporters form a Red Brigade to “protect” Trump?


  58. MjM

    Randy Flags flops: “Fetal stage ends when the fetus is expelled or removed. ”

    And you have just stated, unwittingly, “baby” applies to any point in fetal development, full or not.


  59. Randall Flagg

    Swing and another miss MjM.  When the fetus is expelled or removed, it is an infant.  It doesn’t matter if that is 1 day into fetal development, or at the due date.  Until then it is a fetus (and before that an embryo and before that a blastocyte).  There is no stage called baby thus it makes no sense to discuss it.

    Don’t you ever get sick of losing?

  60. fetuslovr69

    hello Randall Flagg,


    I firmly believe abortion is killing a baby.

    Think about it like this: no abortion = you have a baby. abortion (you kill a bunch of cells in the shape of a human) = you have no baby. The act of killing some cells = no human life. Sounds like murder to me.



  61. jjf

    fetuslovr69, don’t make me ask about your stand on ordinary ejaculation.

  62. dad29


    Oh.  Then how did you become human, Flugg?  The magic of passing through a vagina?

    Let me guess:  you were a baboon before the vagina-trick, right?

    As to your inane question, no, because Baptism is not transitive.

  63. fetuslovr69

    hello jjf,

    I believe that abortion is murder, but I believe it should be legal. I think there are too many babies and not enough adults.





  64. Jason

    >don’t make me ask about your stand on ordinary ejaculation.


    And there’s jjf, hitting on new viewers to the blog.  Hey Johnny, neck beards should be aborted.

  65. MjM

    Randy Flags drives in circle:  There is no stage called baby thus it makes no sense to discuss it.

    Well that’s rather odd, Randy.

    Just a few scrolls above you wrote,  “It also gives me the freedom to dismiss the claims of pro-lifers that “babies are being killed”, because I can choose the infant/toddler definitions and say ‘no they are not’, and if they are, I hope the perpetrators are prosecuted..”

    IOW,   by your convoluted logic,  the infant and toddler stages can be defined as “baby” but there is no human stage called baby.    

    And M.C. Escher smiles.

    Randy Flags can’t read:  Nor is one school district equivalent…

    “One example”.   Right over your head, eh?

    Randy Flags wants to know:  Don’t you ever get sick of losing?

    I’ll let you know when that happens.


  66. jjf

    Randall, some people don’t want science to exist or have precise language.  Once science is struck, then it doesn’t need to play a part in law, and laws can mean whatever we want them to!  And politicians can say one thing, then deny it the next.

    Remember, we’re only a day or two away from Trump claiming that he thought that we should all wear masks, and that he’s always said that!

  67. dad29

    12 hours later, Flugg hasn’t revealed his former incarnation.  Still deciding?

  68. jjf

    What are you fixated on now, Dad29?

  69. fetuslovr69



    I love fetuses, and abortions should be legal. God said in leviticus, those who are pure shall receive my bounty but the wicked will be like chaff if the fields. We have to murder children! It’s the law of God. If you stand in his way you’re disobeying the Lord!!!



  70. Randall Flagg


    Singular and plural seems to have you perplexed.

  71. Randall Flagg

    Per your definition fetuslover, miscarriages are also murder.  So are cases where the blastocytle does not implant. Time to arrest women who miscarry then, eh?


  72. Randall Flagg

    Randall, some people don’t want science to exist or have precise language.

    Exactly.  Anti-abortion propaganda (like baby killers) relies on the use of hyperbole and other propaganda techniques.  Precise terms don’t work in hyperbole.

    Interestingly Trump uses propaganda techniques very well (on those with weak minds).  His favorite it using the “Big Lie” Technique.

  73. Mar

    Pro baby killers use the same type of language. It’s just a fetus. Just a bunch of cells. The baby doesn’t feel pain in the womb.
    And, sorry, but all politicians do the propaganda thing.
    Like, while telling a Black reporter, if you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t Black.
    How racist is that thought.
    And most liberals believe that.

  74. Randall Flagg

    A fetus is the correct term Mar.  Why would you object to using the correct medical and scientific term?

    Also, ‘liberal’ and ‘Democrat’ are not synonymous, so switching between them (like you do) doesn’t make sense.  Liberalism is a philosophy/ideology.  Democrat is a political party.  Same with Republican and conservative.  Learn the difference.

    For bonus points learn that ‘liberalism’ and ‘left’ are not the same either.

  75. Mar

    Well, Randall, I will not convince you that abortion is killing babies. You just justify it by using a term that doesn’t make the baby in the womb a human being.
    That’s ok.
    And being a Democrat nowadays is the same as being a liberal, based on the views of the leaders of the Democrat.
    And liberalism and left are the same. Where is liberalism on the right side of the political spectrum?

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St. Louis Couple Pointed Guns At Protestors And Got Meme'd Hard