Boots & Sabers

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2108, 10 Sep 20

Democrats Block Rona Relief Bill


Senate Democrats scuttled a scaled-back GOP coronavirus rescue package on Thursday, saying the measure shortchanged too many pressing needs as the pandemic continues its assault on the country.

The mostly party-line vote capped weeks of wrangling over a fifth relief bill that all sides say they want but are unable to deliver.


2108, 10 September 2020


  1. Kevin Scheunemann


  2. Mar

    I bet Old Man Le Roi would refuse to take a Chinese virus vaccine that is developed by President Trump administration but if Senile Joe is elected, he would get one then.

  3. Le Roi du Nord

    No mar, I wouldn’t refuse, I would get one regardless of who was in office when it was developed, provided it was deemed safe and effective by smart folks like the FDA, etc., rather than the non-smart folks like you and trump.

    So you lost the bet.  Pay up.

  4. Mar

    Ok, if that is true, good for you.
    For the record, I wouldn’t, no matter when it is delivered, even if it was available here.

  5. jjf

    Chinese virus vaccine that is developed by President Trump administration

    Because you think Trump is working in the lab when he’s not tweeting?


  6. Jason

    Do you think he’s dismantling sorting machines at the USPS?

  7. Mar

    ‘Because you think Trump is working in the lab when he’s not tweeting?”
    He got rid of a lot of bureaucracy red tape so the vaccine could be developed in record time.

  8. jjf

    Yeah, what could go wrong with that, Mar?

  9. Jason

    >Yeah, what could go wrong with that, Mar?

    Do you know someone personally who has died from the vaccine?

  10. Mar

    “Yeah, what could go wrong with that, Mar?”
    Not a darn thing.

  11. Mar

    So, President Trump just completed an almost 1 hour interview with Fox News.
    No need for a teleprompter, unlike Senile Joe.
    And unlike Senile Joe Biden, jjf and Le Roi, he didn’t need to get his information from a puppet master.

  12. Le Roi du Nord


    Which “puppet master” tells us that the Brits had airports in the 1770’s, or that WW II ended in 1917, or that trees explode, or that corona virus would be gone when it warms up, or that the earth is 6000 years old, or that Keith Hernandez is a murderer?  Be specific, and factual.

  13. jjf

    Jason, yes, five so far.

  14. Jason

    >Which “puppet master” tells us that the Brits had airports in the 1770’s, or that WW II ended in 1917, or that trees explode, or that corona virus would be gone when it warms up, or that the earth is 6000 years old, or that Keith Hernandez is a murderer?  Be specific, and factual.

    Wow, the idiot has a whole lot of people living rent free in his smooth little brain.

  15. Jason

    >Jason, yes, five so far.

    Do you miss them?

  16. jjf

    If you knew a doxxer bully, would you answer their personal questions?

  17. Jason

    >If you knew a doxxer bully, would you answer their personal questions?

    Show me this doxxer bully who is asking you personal questions.  I’ll have a stern word with them for you little baby Fousty.  The internet is a dangerous place, maybe you should make some more parody blogs and then virtue signal on how systemic online bullying has ruined your erection.

  18. jjf

    Real men call other men “babies” and then wonder about the erection of other men?

  19. Jason

    This real man called you a baby, and stop projecting, I couldn’t care less about your E.D. Do you often fantasize about that?

  20. jjf

    Tell us more, Jason.  What about you makes you a “real man”?

  21. Jason

    >What about you makes you a “real man”?

    I know a doxxer bully, and so I’m not answering his personal questions.

  22. jjf

    Do you spend a lot of time thinking about who the real men are, Jason?  What do you like to see in a man?

  23. Jason

    I don’t know Carnac, you project your point of view all the time, go ahead and do it again.

  24. jjf

    Haven’t seen me initiate the phrase “real men” or accuse you of not being one.  It came from you.  Along with the erection discussion.  Or calling me a baby.  And now you don’t want to talk about these topics?

  25. Jason

    No, just “Doxxer Bully”.  Again you started the shit, and now you’re crying like a victim.  Poor Fousty, needs his mommy.

  26. jjf

    Stop it, Jason!  You’re making me cry!  I’m going to tell Mom!

  27. Jason

    >Stop it, Jason! 

    And yet you can’t help but continue to reply.

  28. jjf

    Mom!  Jason called me a baby with a neckbeard and erectile dysfunction and said I was going to tattle on him!

  29. Mar

    Gee, and they call me uncivil.

  30. Jason

    >Gee, and they call me uncivil.

    That means the virtual signalling professional victims have lost their argument and now hate you.

  31. jjf

    So Mar, when Jason calls me a baby with a neckbeard and E.D. who wants his mommy because he doesn’t know about databases, that just means he’s won the argument and is doing a “real man” victory dance.

  32. Jason

    Look at the timeline jjf, the insults didn’t start with me.  Hard for you to re-write it when all it takes is a scroll up.   No go virtual signal your nana that you need a juice box with all that white privilege you take for granted.

  33. jjf

    Insults?  I’m insulting you?  Please, place what I say about you on the scale with the quality comments you say about me.

  34. Jason

    No, I’m not interested in your weak moral equivocations.   You cry about being bullied and doxxed, and you start the attacks just as often as others.  You’re a turd of a person.

  35. jjf

    Show me, Jason.  Show me which comment above upset you first.

  36. Jason

    >Show me which comment above upset you first.

    More projecting little Carnac.  I’m not upset in the slightest.  Nice try Scut.

  37. jjf

    You claimed my “insult” happened first and that’s what set you off.  Which one?

    And it’s Carnac the Magnificent for you.

  38. Jason

    >You claimed my “insult” happened first and that’s what set you off.

    I didn’t claim “it set me off”.  Until you can be honest, you’ll be treated like a douchey little toddler.

    Got that Carnac the DumbAss?

  39. jjf

    Look at the timeline jjf, the insults didn’t start with me.

    So where’s the insult?  You know, the one that didn’t set you off.

  40. Jason

    Why? Are you going to admit you were wrong? Change your ways? Better yourself? I don’t jump when you say jump. Its there in plain site, and you know it.

    This is what you do Foust… you start shit, stir it up, then cry victim and try to act righteous and better than everyone else. Its childish, petty, and played out.

  41. jjf

    Can’t point to it.  Weird.  I’m always improving.  How about you?

    How many times do I need to ask you to call me “jjf” here?

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