Boots & Sabers

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1005, 07 Nov 20

The Democratic Party Brand Repudiated?

I don’t think I’d go that far, but it’s an opinion.

‘I’ve got to put a sidebar in here because after the dust settles, if Joe Biden ends up winning the presidency, then I think a lot of people are going to turn to what happened to the Democratic Party,’ said Scarborough, the host of Morning Joe, on his Friday show.

‘There is no way to put this other than to say … Joe Biden winning looks like a one-off. This election for the most part was an absolute repudiation of the Democratic Party as a brand. Their brand doesn’t work across most of America. It just doesn’t,’ he continued.

Scarborough cited disappointing results for Democrats in the Senate, where Republicans look set to retain a majority, and the House, where Democrats saw their majority shrink.


He also noted that Democrats failed to flip control of a single state legislature, giving Republicans a powerful upper hand in redrawing Congressional districts in the next term, something that occurs every 10 years.

‘I was talking to the smartest, smartest data people alive that basically told me that the [poll] numbers were a mirage in Florida and across the upper Midwest,’ Scarborough concluded.

‘Those same people say that the Republicans are going to have a huge year in 2022 — just looking at this data, looking at our exit polls — if they don’t correct course, if the Democrats don’t correct course.’


1005, 07 November 2020


  1. Pat

    Another question one could ask is Trumpism repudiated in the Republican Party with his failure to win a second term?

  2. Kevin Scheunemann

    Disgusting, gross, indecent, liberal, woke culture was repudiated.

    ….but the awful woke scolds will continue on their merry way to bring down more rational Democrats.

  3. Mar

    Ignorant, Pat, President Trump got over 70 million votes.
    Hardly a repudiation.

  4. dad29

    Yang seems to agree with Scarborough–as does the barely-re-elected VA. Rep. Spangenberg.  Marxist-Totalitarian is not a good brand.  Trump’s populist America FIRST position retains its hold.

  5. Le Roi du Nord

    trump populism will only retain its hold until 1-20-21. Then he goes in the history books as the guy who lied, babbled, and bumbled his way out of the WH. Historians will not be kind.

  6. Kevin Scheunemann


    Only gross, indecent, liberals will be unkind…which you seem to be striving for.

    Historic peace in Middle East, 4 Nobel peace prize nominations, no wars, terrorists dead, a record economic engine, tax cuts, regulation cuts….only die hard Marxists are bitching about that.

  7. penquin

    Only gross, indecent, liberals will be unkind

    and yet, you are acting extremely “unkind” in this very statement….

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