Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2150, 10 Feb 21

Our Evolving Mask Culture

Rumor has it that if you hold your breath, it reduces virus spread by 96%. Further tests are needed.

The research suggests that when a person “double masks” — wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top — and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.


Researchers, who used two mannequin-like forms to test exposure, found a similar benefit with tightening a single surgical mask around the ears to improve its fit. Using a hack known as a “knot and tuck,” the researchers ensured the surgical mask fits closely around the face without gaps.


The benefit, though, fell to 80% if only one person wore the double mask and 60% if only one person knotted their surgical mask for a tighter fit.


2150, 10 February 2021


  1. Mar

    Total bunch of crap.
    Why not 3 masks. Or 4 masks. Or 5 masks. Hell, why not 10 masks?
    Why not just keep everyone 15 feet from another person and wear 10 masks. Or better yet, everyone live in their own home or apartment with no one else in the homes. Babies have to live by them selves.
    The CDC is a joke along with Fauci and anyone else on Senile Joe’s liberal virus team.
    Cannot wait to see see Senile Joe wearing 2 masks.

  2. dad29

    Owen, if you stop breathing entirely, it’s a 100% guarantee that you won’t transmit ChinaCooties.

    So. The SCIENZZZ is clear. Mass-suicide is the solution!

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