Boots & Sabers

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1056, 11 May 21

“It’s an individual choice”

Governor Evers, Senator Johnson, and I agree.

Gov. Tony Evers said Monday that a requirement for all Wisconsinites to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is “not going to happen” and that he believes “frankly, it won’t happen anywhere in the country.”




“At the end of the day, it is an individual choice,” Evers, a Democrat, said of the decision to be vaccinated.


Evers’ statement on personal choice echoes something U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., has come under fire for saying in a recent radio interview, although Evers and Johnson approached the topic with different tones and perspectives.

“What do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said to conservative talk radio host Vicki McKenna on April 22. “I certainly am going to vigorously resist any kind of government use or imposing of vaccine passports … that could be a very freedom-robbing step and people need to understand these things.”


1056, 11 May 2021


  1. Mar

    “Gov. Tony Evers said Monday that a requirement for all Wisconsinites to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is “not going to happen” and that he believes “frankly, it won’t happen anywhere in the country.””
    Who would even suggest that everyone in the State be vaccinated?
    What a softball question that was asked.

  2. Mar

    Funny how liberals are against voter ID but love the idea of vaccine passports.
    More hypocrisy.

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