Boots & Sabers

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1749, 01 Sep 21

Hospitality Industry Decimated by Government Shutdowns

Notice how many liberal groups are using the pandemic to angle for their agendas – agendas that they had long before the pandemic? Never let an opportunity go to waste… it’s clear that America’s Left is using the pandemic and the fear of a resurgence to push America closer to full socialism.

A recent survey of Wisconsin businesses by Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the state’s largest business lobby, found that 72% of employers said the workforce shortage is the biggest public policy issue facing the state.

Nearly 80% of employers surveyed by WMC said they plan to increase the number of employees in the next six months, and will raise wages to do so. More than 25% of businesses said they plan to raise wages by more than 4% in 2021, and 70% said they plan to raise wages by at least 3%.

The COWS report argues that workers — particularly those in low-wage service jobs — need better wages, more predictable schedules and stronger benefits.

“Since the collapse, the question has been ‘when will we get back to normal?’” said COWS associate director Laura Dresser in a statement. “But ‘normal’ for low-wage workers has long been unsustainable, leaving too many families struggling to get by. Adding jobs is important, but ensuring strong job quality and supports for low-wage workers is equally important.”

The hospitality industry also took the largest hit at the national level, but Wisconsin outpaced the national rate. Hospitality employment decreased by 18.7% in Wisconsin from February 2020 to June 2021, compared to 12.9% nationally.

Other sectors that saw significant losses in Wisconsin include government, with a 6.9% decline, and natural resources and mining, with a loss of 7.7%. Industries that saw the smallest declines included information; professional and business services; trade, transportation and utilities; and manufacturing — all with declines of 1% or less.


1749, 01 September 2021

1 Comment

  1. dad29

    COWS=UW-Madison branch Communist Party USA.

    Their statement is incoherent, of course.

    What we are seeing is a “re-envisioning” of the economy and it will include LESS restaurants and service-industry establishments. There is a serious shortage of youth–which used to be the mainstay labor-force for service jobs.

    It seems that certain employers think they are entitled to their restaurants and resorts. Sorry, but that’s not America.

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