Boots & Sabers

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1222, 26 Jan 22

Breyer Retires

Not unexpected that the Democrats want to get this pushed through before they likely lose control of the Senate. I’d hope that the Republicans make the normal objections to any rabidly liberal appointees and vote accordingly, but not attempt to take any extraordinary actions to stop it.

Justice Stephen Breyer will step down from the Supreme Court at the end of the current term, according to multiple reports on Wednesday.


The current court term will end in June or early July.


Breyer is one of the three remaining liberal justices and has been under pressure to step down in order to let President Joe Biden appoint his replacement.




Biden is expected to act quickly to nominate a successor who can be ready to serve when the court’s new term begins Oct. 3.


Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said Biden’s pick would be confirmed with ‘all deliberate speed.


1222, 26 January 2022


  1. jonnyv

    While I don’t see this happening but, Joe Biden promised to try and put a black female on the court. If he pushed Kamala there, he could fulfill that promise and move her out of the 2024 VP pick.

    I guess it depends on what they think the future holds for her. Interesting thought though.

  2. Jason

    >I guess it depends on what they think the future holds for her.

    No one warmer than room temperature thinks her future holds a Supreme Court nomination. LOL

  3. Jason

    > and move her out of the 2024 VP pick.

    That would be a risky move too, her approval numbers are better than his…

  4. jonnyv

    Her approval rate is higher than his, but we are 2.5 years from an election. So much can and will change.

    And Jason, I don’t think it would honestly happen. She isn’t really a constitutional lawyer, not that it is a requirement. It was more of a thought experiment to think of how Biden could move away from Harris if the relationship wasn’t peachy.

  5. Mar

    Actually, Johnny, I thought the same way about Harris, but more of a joking way.
    But I can see lobbying for the job.
    I actually can see 1 way if it happening: if the Dems see Senile quitting the job after the midterms, they can hand pick his successor. It would be a win win for Democrats.

  6. Merlin

    Both global and domestic conditions are deteriorating so rapidly for Democrats that Harris just might be thinking that a lifetime gig on the USSC is preferable to ever driving the Oval Office.

  7. Mar

    Kind of strange that Breyer never formally announced his retirement, but it was leaked to reporters.
    It would be kind if cool and Karma if Breyer recinds any retirement !nnouncement.

  8. Mar

    I disagree, Owen
    Conservatives should do what the liberals did with Kavanaugh and Barrett.
    Come with false scandals, storm the Capitol and make up lies about whoever Senile Joe nominates.
    It’s time to be done with being the nice guys.
    The liberals have no problem getting down with the pugs in the pig barn.

  9. Mar

    I wonder if Senile Joe even knows that Breyer resigned. I also wonder if he will make the choice for the next Justice or will someone tell who to puck?

  10. Mar

    I am thinking that Senile Joe aides told him that Breyer quit, Truck Driver Joe thought that there would be no.more Breyers ice cream.

  11. Merlin

    Thursday morning funnies… there’s a headline over at PJ Media, “Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Sexually Assaulted Me 25 Years Ago.” Looks like the satire guys are loaded and the safety’s off.

  12. Mar

    Well, Senile Joe let the cat out of tge bag.
    Instead of going for the best possible person for the Suoreme Court, it reiterated that a Black woman will be nominated.
    Therefore he just passed offabout 80% of the country.
    It might be that a Black woman might be the most qualified. But then again, he thought Sloppy Seconds Kamala Harris was the best person to be VP, and how much of a disaster she has been.

  13. Merlin

    Democrats are counting on a sexism/racism head fake obscuring that their candidate is really a Constitution-shredding SJW that makes The Wise Latina look like a strict constructionist. This is a freebie. They won’t be able to resist the temptation to leave a lasting legacy.

  14. MjM

    So BJ needs a black woman, eh?

    Might I suggest…?

  15. Jason

    Thanks a lot MJM, I now have a confused boner.

  16. MjM

    ‘welcome. But,…. uh…, just keep it to yerself.

    At least you can be confidant the Winsome-Sears would uphold 2A.

    Be funny if Babblin’ Joe offered up another man as the first black “woman” SC justice, like the historic first female four-star admiral Richard Leivne.

  17. MHMaley

    Ronald Reagan campaigned on promoting a woman to the Supreme Court .

    When elected , he followed through on his commitment . Did his supporters complain that there wasn’t a man who was more qualified ?
    I don’t remember the outrage .

    Until then , 50% of the population had not been represented on the court since the birth of the country .

    Now , the whine is that 80% of the country is being slighted ?

    The hypocrisy of that position is astounding .

  18. MjM

    MuhMAley turns the whine table: “ …, 50% of the population had not been represented on the court since the birth of the country .”

    Using your “logic”, Babblin’ Joe also only represents 50% of the population.

    Or is it only 43.5% because he “ain’t black”, too? Or only 42% because he ain’t gay (that we know of)? Or, only 41.999% because he ain’t a Furry (that we know of) either?

    While both Reagan and Trump’s final nominee list included men and women – Reagan’s included a black woman – Biden has pledged ONLY to consider black women.

    And we shan’t mention how you leftnics howled over ACB, even calling her raycissss!! for her adopted kids.

  19. dad29

    50% of the population had not been represented on the court since the birth of the country .

    When I studied civics, the Courts did not “represent” anything except the rule of law and how the Constitution bore on that.

    Confusion reigns in the Mind of Maley.

  20. Jason

    >When I studied civics, the Courts did not “represent” anything except the rule of law and how the Constitution bore on that.

    Weel, dat’s sumple… lets get sum womans to sine the Constitution!

  21. Mar

    I might be mistaken, MHMaley, but I don’t think President Reagan did not pander and promise to one Congressman to get the GOP nomination, unlike what Senile Joe did with the South Carolina congressman.

  22. Le Roi du Nord

    Ronnie Raygun, Oct. 1980:

    “It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists,” Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. “I will also seek out women to appoint to other federal courts in an effort to bring about a better balance on the federal bench.”

    “…I don’t think President Reagan did not pander…” So you think RR did pander and promise??

  23. Le Roi du Nord

    But then some strange things are being said be strange people:

    “Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid or very corrupt.”

    DJT, last week calling his Big Lie followers “very stupid” or “very corrupt”. Finally something from him I agree with.

  24. Le Roi du Nord

    Other previous commitments to race, gender, or ethnicity:

    Trump: Promised a woman (9-19-20) . Barrett
    Reagan again: Wanted an Italian in 1986. Scalia.
    Ike: wanted a Catholic in 1955. Brennan.

  25. Mar

    “Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid or very corrupt.”
    I’ll call you very ignorant if you don’t think some cheating went on, but since you get your newss from the extremistiberal media, I understand you are brainwashed and just have a skull full of oatmeal like Senike Joe.
    As far as OresReagan, obviously, you did read whT others have wrote, so I will blame that on your special education upbribging.

  26. Mar

    Queen of the lies, Queen Lying Le Roi is a coward, almost as bad as Black Face Trudeau.
    Black Face Trudeau embarrassed an entire nation, Queen Lying Le Roi just embarrasses himsself and his dog.

  27. Le Roi du Nord


    Once again your lack of reading (and writing) skills amazes everyone that can read and write. Until you figure out what’s going on, you really have no place to call anyone “ignorant”.

    No j, I was just allowing you folks to have the last word, albeit some pretty foolish and incoherent words. Remember when you were whining incessantly about me always trying to get in the last word? Can’t ever make you happy.

  28. dad29

    Makes no difference what Reagan, Ike, JFK, or any of them said. They’re all wrong. SCOTUS–and any other “judges” represent the Constitution, not the population.

    Sure, the pols are whores. This is news?

  29. MjM

    Le Chatte Du Nord, two months late and one brain short: “DJT, last week…”

    Dec. 4, 2021, numbnutz.


  30. Jason

    >No j, I was just allowing you folks to have the last word, albeit some pretty foolish and incoherent words.

    If ever say something as stupid and untruthful as you did I’ll have to remember your excuse. Nice try dummy.

  31. Le Roi du Nord

    Yup, I made a mistake. My heartfelt apologies. I hope my error didn’t cause you any distress or inconvenience.

    See mjm, I’ll admit my mistakes, and apologize for them. But you guys just double down on yours. Or, as your guy does, makes a double negative.

    Regardless, both trump and mar screwed it up, no doubt due to their tenuous grasp on literacy.

  32. Jason

    Bitching about other peoples tenuous grasp on literacy just a few hours after writing this…

    >strange things are being said be strange people

    The dummy can’t go a day without fucking up a simple post.

  33. MjM

    Le Chatte du Nord lies:” See mjm, I’ll admit my mistakes, and apologize for them. ”

    Where is Conner Sports?
    How does Conner Sports benefit Wisconsin taxpayers?
    How many cars were in Oconto?
    When did Trump tell people to inject bleach?
    Did Democrat Doyle try to force Behnke off the DNR board?
    Did Behnke tell Doyle to go jump in the lake?
    When did Behnke remove himself from the board?
    Does Ivermectin help in the treatment of CCPVirus?
    Does your dog’s veterinarian treat humans?

    Did you vote for Joe Biden?

  34. Mar

    “See mjm, I’ll admit my mistakes, and apologize for them”
    What utter bullshit.

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