Boots & Sabers

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1435, 12 Mar 22

Saudi Arabia Executed 81

Saudis gonna Saudi.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency announced Saturday’s executions, saying they included those “convicted of various crimes, including the murdering of innocent men, women and children.”


The kingdom also said some of those executed were members of al-Qaida, the Islamic State group and also backers of Yemen’s Houthi rebels. A Saudi-led coalition has been battling the Iran-backed Houthis since 2015 in neighboring Yemen in an effort to restore the internationally recognized government to power.


Those executed included 73 Saudis, seven Yemenis and one Syrian. The report did not say where the executions took place.


“The accused were provided with the right to an attorney and were guaranteed their full rights under Saudi law during the judicial process, which found them guilty of committing multiple heinous crimes that left a large number of civilians and law enforcement officers dead,” the Saudi Press Agency said.


“The kingdom will continue to take a strict and unwavering stance against terrorism and extremist ideologies that threaten the stability of the entire world,” the report added. It did not say how the prisoners were executed, though death-row inmates typically are beheaded in Saudi Arabia.


1435, 12 March 2022

1 Comment

  1. Tuerqas

    I bet I could find a 1000 names of admitted and proven multi-murderers in US jails that I would love to see executed tomorrow. This does not bother me.

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