Boots & Sabers

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1233, 25 Apr 22

BLM Siphoned off Reserves to Board Member’s Firm

It appears that almost the entire BLM national movement was just a giant grifting operation.

Black Lives Matter PAC burned through nearly all of its $116,000 cash reserves in just the first three months of 2022 – paying the most significant chunk to a firm owned by a BLM board member.


Bowers Consulting Firm, a company run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers, was the highest-paid BLM PAC vendor during the first quarter of 2022, having received $45,000 from the PAC for ‘strategic consulting services,’ the Washington Examiner reported.


Two additional law firms also received a large portion of the funds. Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, received $8,000 for legal services and the Perkins Coie law firm received $8,350 for compliance services.


1233, 25 April 2022


  1. Merlin

    Modern day mafia.

  2. Jason

    > lawyer Marc Elias, received $8,000 for legal services and the Perkins Coie law firm received $8,350 for compliance services.

    Funny how these uber-liberal names and firms keep coming up in different circles. How many times are each mentioned in H Biden’s laptop?

  3. Mar

    And Lying Karen Le Roi and Jeff and others won’t apologize for being wrong again. And again. And again x 100

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