Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2029, 29 Aug 22

World Floods Through Southern Border

Let this chart sink in.


2029, 29 August 2022


  1. Jason

    This just reinforces what Arizona and Texas leaders have been saying… Biden is derelict in his duty and needs to be removed.

    That spike in the past two years reminds me of the climate change charts showing temp /co2 numbers in the last 50 years.

  2. Jason

    I’m sure JV will try to argue with me on this… But the administration actually tried to tell the MSM that people do not walk across the southern border into the US. Since they can’t even lie good about this, how could they possibly think it needs to be fixed? Dereliction of Duty Brandon is failing at everything.

  3. penquin

    But the administration actually tried to tell the MSM that people do not walk across the southern border into the US.

    It appears that you are mistaken about what was actually said, ’cause all the sources I’ve been able to find shows the Press Sec. saying It’s not just that people are walking across the border, which is a totally different thing.

  4. penquin

    It’s not just that people are walking across the border

    To clarify, that is the statement from the Biden Admin. The words that followed (“which is a totally different thing”) are mine.

    My apologies to those who may have been confused by my editing mistake.

  5. penquin

    …let us all engage with sincerity, respect, and reasoned positions

    That aside, what was highlighted is just part of what was said before the spokesperson was interrupted by the MSM reporter. Anyone who spends more than 15 seconds watching the video will see for themselves what the entire quote & actual message is, but here it is pointed out –

  6. Jason

    >Anyone who spends more than 15 seconds watching the video will see for themselves what the entire quote & actual message is

    I love it, she asks for the name of the tennis player… and then states “Since you asked… I can’t talk about an individual”. Gaslighting idiot.

    And then this gem “Title 42 is very much in place”… only after a federal judge forced the Sadministration to follow it. We tried to stop Title 42, were smacked down, so now we’re going to brag about it. Stupid liberals like you are eating it up.

  7. MjM

    BirdBrain tap dances around his fallacy [where have we seen that before, eh?]: what was highlighted …

    …was exactly what you claimed to be untrue and, buried in your ignorant pomposity, used said claim to falsely chastised Jason.

    Easily predictable, you return attempting to hide your error – on a issue you chose to highlight – shouting SQUIRREL!. Or should I say, TENNIS PLAYER!

    And you can stick your feigned congeniality. Coming from one who cannot own up to failure (ain’t talking typos, BB], nobody is buying it.

  8. penquin

    MjM is so confused&angry that he can’t even tell who is posting which comment in this thread – ’cause it was Jason, not I, who decided to start shouting “tennis player”.

    And just to be clear – MjM is doubling-down on Jason’s claim that this video is proof of how the Biden Admin tried to convince the media that nobody is walking across the southern border. They don’t seem to be trolling with that stance,, rather both of them truly appear to sincerely beleive that is what was actually said & meant.

  9. Jason

    My apologies for all of this. I was totally wrong here.

    I forecasted it would be jv that would take the bait and jump all in with stupidity. It was in fact Penny that did it. Sorry all!

  10. MjM

    BirdBrain continues it’s mendacious ways: ’cause it was Jason,

    Deflect. Obscure. Avert. Anything but admit, eh, BB?

    It was you who attempted to camouflage your uninformed error by piling on globs of useless “what the entire quote & actual message is” (and by posting a link which you were too stupid to realize held the same content as the link I supplied).

    And just to be clear – the correct quote, as noted, is, “It’s not like someone walks over“. Not your highlighted and false “It’s not just that people are walking across the border“.

    MjM is doubling-down on Jason’s claim that this video is proof

    Indeed. Tripling. Quadrupling. Tenfold. Because it is exactly that. Your inability to see it just shows your cognizance level is on par with Babblin’ Joe’s muzzle velocity awareness.

    Which is zilch.

  11. jonnyv

    Oh Jason. I am living in your head rent free. How nice.

  12. Jason

    >I am living in your head rent free

    Typical liberal, wanting to have an apartment or house and not pay for it.

  13. MjM

    Larry the Cable Guy chuckles————–^

  14. Merlin

    > Typical liberal, wanting to have an apartment or house and not pay for it.

    Damn near choked on my beer with that one.

  15. Tuerqas

    To be fair, who would want to pay to live in Jason’s head;).

  16. penquin

    > I am living in your head rent free.

    Scoot over dude, it’s getting crowded in that little tiny place yet like a typical slumlord he still keeps trying to cram more of us into it.

    And gonna bet his obsession isn’t limited to just online either. The way that self-admitted troll screams out peoples’ name in threads they aren’t even participating in speaks volumes about how deep-rooted his obsession is. Odds are he walks around the house while mumbling our names and waving his fist in the air…

  17. Jason

    >Odds are he walks around the house while mumbling our names and waving his fist in the air…

    I look out my blinds to make sure you stain collectors are staying off my lawn too.

    >The way that self-admitted troll screams out peoples’ name in threads they aren’t even participating in speaks volumes

    Just following your lead here Pinkuin.

  18. penquin

    >I forecasted it would be jv that would take the bait

    (emphasis added)

    bait /bāt/ deliberately annoy or taunt (someone). “the other boys reveled in baiting him about his love of literature”

    Unless he mis-spelled “bate”, it is clearly obvious he is admitting his trollish behavior.

    And if he did actually mean “bate” instead, well….that’s a whole new type of admission. And honestly, ain’t sure which would be considered worse…lol

  19. Jason

    >Unless he mis-spelled “bate”, it is clearly obvious he is admitting his trollish behavior.

    More examples of taking things literally only when they/them/it wants to, and using hyperbole when they/them/it wants to. You also missed my profuse apology on the incorrect prediction on which liberal would come in foaming at the mouth. You migth want to wipe your chin, since you’re still foaming 2 weeks later, and also talking about “bate”.

  20. penquin

    The only reason this thread was bump’d is because of your continued insistence that you have never admitted to being a troll.

    >You also missed my profuse apology

    I saw the one in this thread, tho wouldn’t exactly call it “profuse”. However, I fail to see your apologies for the many untruths you have said about me personally. You can start by admitting you were wrong to call me a liar for pointing out that you admitted to trolling. Or are you actually disputing that your “take the bait” comment has nothing to do with trolling? Your garbled message isn’t quite clear on that…please clarify.

  21. Jason

    >Your garbled message isn’t quite clear on that…please clarify.

    So, you can divine Dad’s intent and true meaning on what he wrote, and you can divine my intent and true meaning on what I wrote two weeks ago… and yet today my message is garbled. See why I talk down to you like I do – years of earning it.

    >You can start by admitting you were wrong to call me a liar for pointing out that you admitted to trolling.

    You’re still lying about it, so why would I apologize? Your arguments from weak positions are dull and boring.

    You have nothing but lefty attacks and lies.

  22. penquin

    Just because dad29’s original comment and your comment regarding “take the bait” were as clear as day doesn’t mean everything/anything said by ya’ll would also be as understandable. Fact that you thought as you did speaks volumes and explains much.

    Your repeated claim about me having “nothing but lefty attacks and lies” has already beenproven to be untrue.

  23. Jason

    >speaks volumes and explains much.

    You keep saying that, and yet you also keep asking for help understanding things. Odd.

    Oh, and your hyperlink is only good if it actually links to something. Keep the tech stuff to the people who don’t have menial jobs. Wipe your chin.

  24. penquin

    >You’re a liar. You’re still lying. I don’t argue with liars.

    If the first two statement are true, then the third is a lie. Because here you are, arguing with someone you consider to be a lying liar…no? Just another example of you making it all up as you go along.

    And thanks for pointing out the typo with the link ( ) I probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. However, like most of your other assumptions about me your wild-ass guess about my job is waaaay off the mark…not that it matters but it is kinda funny the things you imagine about me. Obviously you’re just trollin’ with those kind of remarks, but I find ’em to be far more insightful than inciteful.

  25. Jason

    Did you wipe your chin yet? It’s very unbecoming in the customer service role.

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