Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2137, 29 Nov 22

Wisconsin Deer Harvest Up 14%

Nice work, Wisconsin hunters!

Hunters registered 203,295 white-tailed deer during the 2022 Wisconsin nine-day gun deer season, an increase of 14% from the previous year and 8% above the five-year average, according to a preliminary report issued Tuesday by the state Department of Natural Resources.


The 2022 kill included 98,397 bucks (up 15% from 2021) and 104,898 antlerless deer (up 14%).


All four deer management regions showed higher deer registrations, with the highest year-over-year increase in the central forest (up 31%), followed by the northern forest (19%), central farmland (14%) and southern farmland (10%).


2137, 29 November 2022


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