Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2103, 13 Dec 22

New Zealand Bans Smoking for Gen Z and Beyond

I doubt this would survive Constitutional scrutiny in the US

New Zealand will phase in a near-total tobacco ban from next year.

Legislation passed by parliament on Tuesday means that anyone born after 2008 will never be able to buy cigarettes or tobacco products.


It will mean the number of people able to buy tobacco will shrink each year. By 2050, for example, 40-year-olds will be too young to buy cigarettes.

Health Minister Ayesha Verrall, who introduced the bill, said it was a step “towards a smoke-free future”.


2103, 13 December 2022


  1. Jason

    I heard they are planning on banning stairs next, by 2024 any new building cannot have stairs. Then in 2025 a ban on swimming pools. They are working on how to rectify chocking by creating a food cutting bureau to drive up public awareness on the proper cubic mm’s that cut food should never be larger than as well as a minimum number of chews prior to an attempted swallow. And those poor Kiwi’s can forget about talking during a meal!

  2. Randall Flagg

    What does “chocking” have to do with food cutting Jason, and why does it need to be rectified?

    Oh the irony…..

  3. Jason

    Cry about personal attacks in one thread, and attack for a simple spelling error in the other. Typical fuck stain behavior… And ironic to boot.

  4. Randall Flagg

    The irony is you did the same thing to me just a few hours earlier. Remember ‘bot’ instead of bit?

    Once again we see Trump and his supporters are the ultimate snowflakes. They can dish it out but become whiny little bitches when it is done to them.

  5. Jason

    >The irony is you did the same thing to me just a few hours earlier. Remember ‘bot’ instead of bit?

    The only irony there is I was actually agreeing with you there and making sure I pointed out that I want anyone of any party to be prosecuted. While you on the other hand simply pointed out “Churches”.

    >Once again we see Trump and his supporters are the ultimate snowflakes. They can dish it out but become whiny little bitches when it is done to them.

    Ah, I see, I’m the snowflake… except that I’m not whining about people who disagree with me, that’s all you dumb dumb. Optics are getting really bad Phluggggie Poo.

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