Boots & Sabers

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1934, 19 Dec 22

NJ To Replace Unconstitutional Gun Law with Unconstitutional Gun Law

One might suspect that the ruling party does not actually support civil rights.

The legislation scraps New Jersey’s current requirement that those seeking a permit to carry a firearm show “justifiable need” and be of “good character” to reflect the Supreme Court’s June ruling.


Other changes in the legislation include disqualifications for those who have been confined over their mental health, people who have had restraining orders as any “fugitive from justice.”


The measure calls for the end of a paper permitting system that used quadruplicate documents to register applicants. It also would establish a yet-to-be created online gun sales portal.


It increases from three to four the number of endorsements from non-family members in order to get a permit. They would also have to be interviewed by law enforcement officials as well.


The measure also boosts training requirements, calling for online, in-person classroom and target-shooting instruction. And it would require permit carriers to carry liability insurance.


1934, 19 December 2022

1 Comment

  1. Jason

    And yet we hear from the top Dummycrats … that the Conservative Supreme Court is Extremist. Yet this activity… it’s just fine!

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