I agree. Abolish them.
Tax season is starting for all Americans — but the tax code’s provisions play out very differently for white families compared to families of color, new research says. The tax benefits from some of the most advantageous parts of the federal income-tax code accrue disproportionately to white families, according to Treasury Department findings that show the broader implications of dry tax rules. White families are pulling in more than 90% of the tax benefits that come from lower tax rates for capital gains, more than 90% of the tax benefits from itemized charitable deductions and 90% of the deduction attached to qualified business income — all while representing an estimated 67% of families, researchers said.
The IRS claims to not collect racial or ethnic data on filers. So where are the wizards at Treasury getting their data for this predictive modeling? Same fairy fields where the climate Armageddon zealots grow their data?
I don’t see any mention of REFUNDABLE ‘taxes’ here, either.
To what percentage of all filers (of any skin tone) are dry tax rules even applicable? That’s data that the IRS actually possesses.
>The IRS does not know the race of filers so Treasury developed a method of estimating the likely race of the person listed first on a return based on other information. It focused on White people, Black people and Hispanic people “due to high levels of uncertainty in estimates for other groups.”
Yep, sounds exactly like the cherry picking and data manipulation techniques of the Climate Destruction zealots.
> White families are pulling in more than 90% of the tax benefits that come from lower tax rates for capital gains, more than 90% of the tax benefits from itemized charitable deductions and 90% of the deduction attached to qualified business income
What method is being used for this? Total dollars? Last time I looked it up, the top 1% took 63% of the new wealth generated between 2020 and 2022. They don’t give a damn that they get it from EVERYONE else. They also received an estimated 85% of the tax deductions allowed over the same time period. If you average that out over all white people, it could look like there is a racial problem and that is what they (also the owners of most mass media) what us all to think and argue about. Break it up by income and it would easily prove that there is a serious classist tax discrimination problem, not so much racist. Unfortunately that is not the narrative that the controllers of information want everyone to be outraged about.
IRS is racist. Democrats reward their racism.