Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

2046, 23 Feb 23

Buttigieg the Useless

What a buffoon. This is the future of Democrat leadership? On second thought, it makes sense. He fits the mold.

Buttigieg has faced criticism from Republicans for not traveling to the site sooner. The secretary defended his decision, writing on Twitter that he “followed the norm of staying out of the way of the independent NTSB.”

At a press conference after touring the community on Thursday, Buttigieg briefly mispronounced East Palestine before correcting himself and then made what appeared to be a thinly-veiled reference to former President Donald Trump, who had touched down one day prior.


2046, 23 February 2023


  1. jonnyv

    If you think this is Buttigieg then you are not smart. He is following whatever instructions from the administration. The train was still on fire and he was on Sunday morning shows staying on-point weeks ago. He is a good soldier for the WH. And more than likely taking a LOT of the heat on this.

    Ultimately a lot of this falls on the last 3 administrations. The Trump administration shot down a law that would have forced these trains to put on new electric brakes. Those brakes would stop all the cars at once and help make these derailments less likely. Trump folded to the rail industry. And the Obama administration shot down laws that would have changed the chemicals that would have deemed them dangerous forcing better security measures. Folding to the chemical industry. Biden forced the union to NOT strike in order to keep pricing and inflation down when these people are fighting for better conditions and more employees monitoring these trains. This is a failure of the gov’t on a big level. They have sold out their responsibility to different industries.

    How about we start pushing incredible fines on these companies that crash and spill these ecological disasters.

  2. dad29

    Buttplug IS as bad as all that. True story: when Mayor of South Bend, he ordered new garbage trucks.

    Sadly, he did not verify the width of the trucks vs. the width of the alleys they would traverse. Therefore, all South Bend residents had to move their garbage to the end of the alley.

    But they’re just taxpaying residents. Untermenschen.

  3. Jason

    >Ultimately a lot of this falls on the last 3 administrations.

    Nothing but baseless talking points.

    Trumps repeal wouldn’t have applied to this train – from the mouth of the NTSB itself, and so you’re an idiot. Second, Trump Administration cannot just “shot down a law”. The law written during the Obama administration had a provision in it that allowed the law to be dismissed if certain criteria / calculations were not met. They were not met, and so the law was dismissed…. and so you’re an idiot.. Third, Biden and BootyPlug have been in control (and ironically, D’s had the House and Senate too) for two years and did nothing to rework / reintroduce that law you mention that wouldn’t have applied to this train – and they didn’t. … and so you’re an idiot.

    That was fun, thanks.

  4. Merlin

    Mayor Pete does function as a great piñata.

  5. Jason

    >Mayor Pete does function as a great piñata.

    So do

  6. Jason

    >Mayor Pete does function as a great piñata.

    So does jv!

  7. Mar

    Oh, Johnny, please get help for your TDS.

  8. jonnyv

    Jason once again proves that if you can’t make a great argument, you just throw insults. Great job. You must be the pride and joy of your parents. Go upstairs and tell them so.

    If you read what I said, I said that Obama failed when he caved to the chemical (and rail) industry. The laws that he had signed said that if a train was pulling 70 cars of highly flammable chemicals. 70!. It should literally be 1. This train had 3. On top of classifying certain chemicals as “not highly flammable.” Then Trump caved to the rail industry when he tore up the weak proposals that Obama admins DID implement, because the rail industry said it would be “too costly” to put in the electronc brakes on the trains. And then Biden with his recent union crap as well. This train’s axle was on fire for 20 miles and NO ONE noticed until it was too late. LIke I said, a complete sell out of our govt to the rail and chemical industries.

    But honeslty, you should all be CHEERING at this accident. This is a direct response to a lack of government restrictions. This is what you guys ALWAYS ask for, less gov’t interference in business. Less regulations. This is the free market. Why even clean it up? I have heard people here in the past say that the EPA should be just elminated. Just leave it polluted and let the free market sort it out.

  9. dad29

    Then Trump caved to the rail industry when he tore up the weak proposals that Obama admins DID implement, because the rail industry said it would be “too costly” to put in the electronc brakes on the trains.

    You’re SURE about that, eh? See, DoT cannot just write any damn reg it feels like writing; it must conform to the law. But you knew that, right?

    Now, then. Since the RR’s are oligarchs, owned by THE biggest financial firms on Earth (yes, Buffett is one of them) you shouldn’t be surprised at Obama’s and Biden’s actions.

    Trump, who was not beholden to the Big Money, did what was legally required–another thing that separates him from Obama and Biden. You want change? Elect a new Congress.

  10. Tuerqas

    >But honeslty, you should all be CHEERING at this accident. This is a direct response to a lack of government restrictions. This is what you guys ALWAYS ask for, less gov’t interference in business. Less regulations. This is the free market.

    And you can point out all the times conservatives on this blog cheered corruption, right? Cuz you know that all of your earlier comments basically blamed Government corruption not lack of regulations.
    Your ad hominem is now blaming lack of Government oversight. So which is it?
    Personally, I think the Government did its modern oversight perfectly to current norms. They threatened some business, and then took their money to forgot there was any reason to oversee them anymore…until their next payment is due.

  11. dad29

    until their next payment is due.

    You’ve nailed it exactly correct. A friend was CEO of a local company and told me that Sensenbrenner would send letters warning him about ‘consequences’ if Democrats obtained a majority, blah, blah, blah.

    The problem is that Sensenbrenner was correct. FedGov does whatever it damned well pleases with laws, regulations, tax/reg interpretations. We get to STFU and bleed.

    One hopes that JonnyV is not SO ignorant that he doesn’t understand the grift–that is, that the FedGov’s regs made running a railroad so damned expensive that the RR biz is now an oligarchy and the oligarchs are TBTF.

    Yes, they should be safe; but the cost of doing business in the FedGov (and State, too) environment kinda pushes safety to the back of the line.

  12. dad29

    Finally, Jonny: never believe what Buttplug and MSNBC tell you:

    “…Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post:

    “From our analysis, none of the regulatory changes made during the Trump administration at this point can be cited as contributing to the accident,”…”

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