Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2225, 10 May 23

Sir Karl Jenkins Debunks Trans Meghan Rumors

This is my favorite story of the week.


Welsh composer Sir Karl Jenkins had a surprise when he had to debunk theories that he was the Duchess of Sussex in disguise at King Charles’ coronation.


Despite it being announced the duchess would not be attending, Twitter was awash with claims she’d snuck her way into Westminster Abbey.


“Meghan you’re not fooling us,” one user said, attaching a photo of the musician’s unique look.


After this, Sir Karl took to TikTok to set the record straight.


2225, 10 May 2023

1 Comment

  1. Merlin

    I’ll bet Meghan envies that ‘stache.

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