Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

0722, 13 Aug 23

Climbers Sprint Past Dying Man While Setting Ascent Speed Record

It almost seems like this is a metaphor for my column about why Socialism fails.

A well-known Norwegian mountaineer has denied accusations that her team climbed over an injured guide during a bid to break a world record.

The porter, named as Mohammed Hassan, had fallen off a ledge on Pakistan’s K2 – the world’s second-highest mountain.


Video on social media appears to show a group walking by Mr Hassan, who reportedly died a few hours later.


But Kristin Harila told the BBC she and her team tried everything to help him in dangerous conditions.

“It’s a tragic accident… here is a father and son and a husband who lost his life that day on K2. I think that’s very, very sad that it ended this way,” she said.

The Norwegian was heading for K2’s summit to secure a world record and become the fastest climber to scale all peaks above 8,000m (26,000ft).




“We saw a guy alive, lying in the traverse in the bottleneck. And people were stepping over him on the way to the summit. And there was no rescue mission.,” Mr Steindl told the BBC.


“I was really shocked. And I was really sad. I started to cry about the situation that people just passed him and there was no rescue mission

Mr Hassan was being treated by one person “while everyone else” moved towards the summit in a “heated, competitive summit rush”, Mr Flämig told Austria’s Der Standard newspaper.


0722, 13 August 2023


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