Boots & Sabers

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2105, 05 Oct 23

Biden Goes Fishing

I hope the people can afford to eat salmon after paying their electric bills.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a move that conservationists and tribes called a potential breakthrough, President Joe Biden has directed federal agencies to use all available authorities and resources to restore “healthy and abundant” salmon runs in the Columbia River Basin.


Biden’s order stops short of calling for removal of four hydroelectric dams on the Lower Snake River in Washington state, an action that tribes and conservation groups have long urged to save threatened fish populations. But it directs a host of federal agencies to do all they can to restore salmon and honor U.S. treaty obligations with Pacific Northwest tribes.




Still the memo does not recommend breaching the dams in Eastern Washington, a politically volatile step that could raise electric rates for millions of customers in the Northwest who rely on hydropower. Breaching the dams, which requires approval from Congress, would cost between $10.3 billion and $27.2 billion, according to a report last year by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.


Kurt Miller, executive director of Northwest RiverPartners, which represents community-owned electric utilities in seven western states, said dam-breaching could cause rate increases of 25% to 65% for 4 million public power customers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and other states.


2105, 05 October 2023

1 Comment

  1. Jason

    Respondents in a new Marquette University poll of registered voters were asked to choose who was “better” on the issue of immigration and border security, the current president or the man he replaced. Fifty-two percent said they preferred Mr Trump, while only 28% opted for Mr Biden.

    God damn that has to be completely demoralizing to any Simp Lefty in the Country.

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