Boots & Sabers

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1024, 18 Dec 23

Hamas Promotes Threatening Nuclear War to End War

You’ll notice that negotiation, releasing hostages, and committing to coexistence is not part of Hamas’ playbook. Only Western liberals are pretending that Hamas wants peace.

Hamas leaders and Islamic scholars met in Pakistan’s capital for a convention last week and argued that Israel’s war in Gaza would end if Pakistan, a country armed with nuclear weapons, threatened Israel.




“Pakistan is a strong country. If Pakistan threatens Israel, then the war can stop,” Haniyeh said. “We have lots of expectations from Pakistan. Pakistan can force Israel to retreat.”


He deemed Jews the “biggest enemy of Muslims in the world.”


“In this war, our 20,000 children, women, and men have been martyred,” he said. “At this time we are destroying Israel’s most modern weapons. We have hope we will succeed.”


The conference was also attended by Hamas leader Naji Zuhair, who had been in Pakistan in recent weeks. Conference attendees recognized Hamas fighters as a “political force” waging a “defensive jihad.”


1024, 18 December 2023


  1. Merlin

    In what world does Pakistan threaten nuclear war in support of Hamas? That’s the talk of desperation. Hamas miscalculated their opponent’s resolve as well as the usual support of the major players in the region. Hamas can end the fighting tomorrow. Just surrender.

  2. Tuerqas

    >Conference attendees recognized Hamas fighters as a “political force” waging a “defensive jihad.”

    I wonder how the conference would characterize the years of Hamas bombing Israeli civilians leading up to their crisis.

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