Boots & Sabers

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2018, 27 Feb 24

NYC Mayor Abandons Illegals

Ya know… these lefty northern politicians were all about sanctuary status when the illegal people were staying in border states. When they get a tiny fraction of the problem in their back yard, they grow up real quick.

New York Mayor Eric Adams has called for a radical overhaul of its sanctuary city status in a spectacular u-turn as the city buckles under the weight of migrant arrivals.


The Democrat leader has faced a furious backlash as schools, hotels and community centers have been turned over to the 180,000 migrants who he has warned will ‘destroy’ the city.


He has been a staunch defender of its decades-old sanctuary status which forbids city officials from asking questions about a person’s immigration status, or revealing it to federal authorities.


2018, 27 February 2024

1 Comment

  1. Merlin

    I suspect what Adams and his like-minded colleagues really object to is all these illegals arriving without the Covid-like federal slush funds they were likely promised as participation prizes. Democrats should know better than to believe their own bullshit.

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