Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2024, 14 Mar 24

Biden Sends $120M to Tribes for Global Warming


The Biden administration will be allocating more than $120 million to tribal governments to fight the impacts of climate change, the Department of the Interior announced Thursday. The funding is designed to help tribal nations adapt to climate threats, including relocating infrastructure.




In 2022, the administration committed $135 million to 11 tribal nations to relocate infrastructure facing climate threats like wildfires, coastal erosion and extreme weather. It could cost up to $5 billion over the next 50 years to address climate-related relocation needs in tribal communities, according to a 2020 Bureau of Indian Affairs study.

Can we get some reporting on how the first $135 million was spent before we throw another $120 million into that hole? Politicians are always quick to brag about how they are spending our money, but never seem to be around to tell us what we actually got for it.


2024, 14 March 2024

1 Comment

  1. dad29

    never seem to be around to tell us what we actually got for it.

    Accountability? WHAT Accountability?

    On the question: what, exactly, did the US get for its ~$200 BILLION in Ukraine? (That includes part of what the CIA dumped in there….)

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