Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1923, 29 May 24

Biden Promotes Nuclear Power

This is the way. I hope that it leads to some real nuclear power development.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House on Wednesday plans to announce new measures to support the development of new U.S. nuclear power plants, a large potential source of carbon-free electricity the government says is needed to combat climate change.


The suite of actions, which weren’t previously reported, are aimed at helping the nuclear power industry combat rising security costs and competition from cheaper plants powered by natural gas, wind and solar.

Nuclear proponents say the technology is critical to providing large, uninterrupted supplies of emissions-free power to serve soaring electricity demand from data centers and electric vehicles and still meet President Joe Biden‘s goal of decarbonizing the U.S. economy by 2050.


1923, 29 May 2024


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