Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0825, 16 Jun 24

Media Rallies to Defense of Biden

Here’s the thing...

Conservative media outlets selectively used a camera angle that left out important context to spread a claim Thursday and Friday that President Joe Biden wandered off from a meeting of world leaders, but the full video at another angle captured by NBC News tells a different story.


Instead of wandering off, Biden was walking toward a group of parachutists who had just landed in an Italian clearing and gave them two thumbs-up.


The deceptive video began spreading online shortly after a photo opportunity at the G7 summit in Puglia, in southern Italy. Biden and other leaders from some of the world’s largest economies stood on a green lawn while people in military uniforms parachuted in carrying oversized flags of the different countries.

First, that video came out days ago. What was it? Wednesday? Maybe early Thursday? It is now Sunday and suddenly every news outlet is jumping on this like a hog on slop to claim that it was faked. If it was fake, why wasn’t there a response the afternoon it came out? Or the day after? Or the day after that? Clearly, it took a few days before someone thought it would be a good idea to at least try to counter the claim.

Second, this is part of a pattern for Biden. The story isn’t that he wandered off at this event. The story is that he keeps wandering off all over the place. It is a clear sign of age when he continually gets distracted, loses focus, or forgets to abide by social norms for public events.


0825, 16 June 2024


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