Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

2003, 18 Jun 24

Biden Embraces Lawlessness with Mass Amnesty

Just in case you were under the impression from Biden’s intern’s tweets that he was serious about enforcing the border, this should disabuse you of such fantasies.

The president announced that his administration will, in the coming months, allow certain U.S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country. The action by Biden, a Democrat, could affect upwards of half a million immigrants, according to senior administration officials.


2003, 18 June 2024


  1. Merlin

    Still behaving as though they know they’ll never lose another election, eh?

  2. Tuerqas

    Why not? It isn’t like Republican majorities have spent much time reversing more than a tenth of Dem policies nor will they in the future. And if they can keep their judges in place, reps won’t even reverse the tenth. Then after one useless Republican majority their election machines are still in place and they win again.

    If I had my foot that snugly on the necks of my enemies, I wouldn’t let up either. They are behaving that way because right now the legal set up they have wins any close elections. They still won’t win the landslides, but those landslides go away after 4 years of media lies that become true during any Republican POTUS terms/rep majorities, not to mention the general reputation of uselessness that reps have shown when in charge in recent years. Even if they were ‘very successful’ and dismantled 25% of illegal and bad dem legislation, they would be painted as backwards and useless because all they did was reverse some things, they did not provide policy or leadership for the State/Nation.

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