Boots & Sabers

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0935, 22 Jun 24

Biden Mobilizes Federal Agencies for Democratic GOTV Effort

Yet another case of the modern Democratic Party of using government power to advance their political gains.

Biden issued the executive order on March 7, 2021, noting the federal government’s “duty to ensure that registering to vote and the act of voting be made simple and easy for all those eligible to do so” and that it would be implemented “consistent with applicable law.” Agency leaders were asked to submit a strategic plan within 200 days.




Republicans said the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service had informed state agencies that the costs of providing voter registration services were allowable administrative expenses under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and could be “reimbursed at the 50 percent level.”


“Using the nation’s multi-billion-dollar nutrition program to implement the Biden Administration’s voter registration scheme is not only a cause for concern, but one that necessitates further scrutiny,” the Republicans wrote.




A few months later, Republicans sent letters to federal agencies requesting information about their plans to comply with the order. They also included repealing the executive order in a broad elections bill they introduced last year.


Last month, the chairman of the Committee on House Administration sent letters requesting documents related to the order and set a two-week deadline to comply. The chairman, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Bryan Steil, then issued subpoenas. He called the federal order “another attempt by the Biden Administration to tilt the scales ahead of 2024.”




While federal agencies have not published their proposals, they have announced steps they’ve taken to comply with the order.

This is a problem for a few reasons. First, it simply is not the role of federal agencies to be involved in elections. They should neither use their resources to promote, facilitate, or participate in the electoral process. That is not their mission. And although it may seem benign to the naive, every agency is run by humans who will naturally let their personal biases slip into whatever they do – intentionally or not. They wield too much power to allow that to take place. All federal agencies should do regarding elections is to ensure that there are no unreasonable barriers to their employees to vote.

Second, done by executive order, the Biden Administration is allocating tax dollars without Congressional authority. These agencies are not funded to participate in electioneering and their funds should not be used for such.

Third, it is telling that after three years, these agencies are stonewalling Congress to share their strategic plans. According to the order, these plans were to be developed within 200 days. That would have been September 23, 2001 – two-and-a-half years ago. These strategic plans should be well worn documents sitting in a file somewhere that are readily available to share with Congress as part of Congress’ constitutional oversight role. Why are the agencies stonewalling? Was is in those plans that they do not want revealed?

This has all of the hallmarks of what we have seen throughout our governments. Every agency is being corrupted for political ends to support the ruling party.


0935, 22 June 2024


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