Boots & Sabers

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1954, 22 Jul 24

Harris Doubles Down on Biden Legacy

Welp, at least she’s taking ownership of the crap sandwich that is the Biden presidency.

“I wanted to say a few words about our president. Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history,” Harris said. “In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office.”


“I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We worked together as attorneys general in our states,” Harris said at the White House event, referring to his late son.

“And back then, Beau would often tell me stories about his dad. He would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that Joe Biden is. The qualities that Beau revered in his father are the same qualities that I have seen every day in our president. His honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his faith and his family, his big heart and his love, deep love of our country,” she said.

And it looks like we’re not going to escape the insufferable Biden family stories.

It is an interesting strategy by Harris. Realistically, she’s been a deep throated supporter of Biden’s policies throughout his term and during his failed reelection bid. With 106 days until election day, she doesn’t have time to reinvent herself or carve our a differentiated platform. It’s really her only play.

So I expect Harris to talk about abortion, Trump is evil, and abortion until election day. That’s it. And any pushback against anything she says or does will be called “racist” and/or “misogynist.” That’s the playbook.


1954, 22 July 2024


  1. Merlin

    Ms. Invisible’s role has always been that of a backup puppet, so of course her fellow Dem pols will continue to support her in that role. To voters she’s always had all the appeal of a weathered, old fence post. That’s not going to change. Ops normal.

  2. jonnyv

    Owen, I too look forward to her calling out all the misogynist and racist comments that are about to be made.

    Merlin, please tell me all the wonderful things previous VPs have done? Pence? Gore? Quayle? Unless they are casting deciding votes, they don’t do much. Biden was really good at rounding up votes. Cheney was good at being a war monger.

    I also think you are being blind if you don’t see the excitement in the Dems right now. Raising a TON of cash. And if she can convince Mark Kelly to be VP candidate… look out.

  3. Merlin

    If Obama 3.0 had any confidence in Harris, Biden would have been shown the door long ago to provide Harris the power of incumbency for 2024. What’s being done to Joe now could just as easily have been done two years ago. There was no planned transition to Harris then and there likely isn’t one now. She’ll receive a few window dressing endorsements leading into the convention, but if she doesn’t secure the nomination on the first ballot the superdelegates take over.

    If that happens it doesn’t matter a bit what Democrat voters want to see happen, you’ll get whatever the new power sharing bloc wants you to have. Democrat voters just got slickly screwed out of the entire primary voting process. Probably don’t even realize it.

  4. dad29

    Cheney was good at being a war monger.

    Meh. He learned a lot from that murderous ghoul Mad-Dog Albright.

  5. dad29

    If Obama had any confidence in Harris

    Harris is a Clinton property, as Tulsi made clear. Obama will be happy as a pig in mud when Harris goes down in flames because that will be the end of the Clinton Crime family’s time.

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