Boots & Sabers

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Everything but tech support.

0805, 28 Jul 24

Admitting the Truth

It’s been less than a week and even the vaunted New York Times isn’t pretending that Biden wasn’t forced out.

Biden cares deeply about keeping former President Donald Trump out of the White House and therefore has reason to be invested in Harris’ success. He also knows that because, until he was forced to quit the race, he had insisted on running again despite concerns about his age, many will blame him for not ceding the stage earlier if Trump wins.

What does that say about our president? A week ago, he left the race and said it was his choice. He went on television, and while he did not give a reason for dropping out of the race, he indicated that it was his choice. His supporters have even tried to spin his dropping out as a noble act. Everything coming from the Biden camp is that it was his choice to step aside.

Yet, we all knew this to not be the case. There are various stories leaking about how the coup came about. But we all knew it from the start. We all knew that Biden would have never withdrawn of his own volition. And now the New York Times puts a throwaway statement to that effect in the middle of a story about Harris. Everyone – including the leftist media – knows that Biden was forced out.

Still, Biden continues to lie about it. Nobody believes him. Nobody. But he continues to lie and will not share the truth with the American people.

Why won’t he share the truth? Two reasons. First, ego and pride. Biden is not going to admit – even, perhaps, to himself – that he was forced to quit the race at the zenith of his ambition. Second, and more troubling, is because to admit that he was forced out is to admit that he is no longer effectively acting as president. He has the title. He sits in the chair. But he is not wielding the power. For if he were, then he could not have been forced from his chosen course.

The reason for Biden being forced out, whether it be due to dementia or because he was unlikely to win, is less important than the fact that Biden didn’t make the choice. He was forced to.


0805, 28 July 2024


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