Boots & Sabers

The blogging will continue until morale improves...


Everything but tech support.

1930, 28 Jul 24

Racial Segregation is All the Rage Again for Democratic Party

This is disgusting on so many levels.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Kamala Harris is using potential veep candidate Pete Buttigieg to woo “white dude’’ voters — “who need to be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history.’’


Buttigieg, transportation secretary and one of Harris’s top supporters, will appear virtually at a Zoom event at 8 p.m. Monday with the group “White Dudes for Harris.”




The group does not say explicitly whether non-whites will be allowed to attend, and a Post request for comment was not immediately returned.

It is disgusting that, once again, the Democratic Party divides people by race and, interestingly, gender. They are perpetuating the racist trope that people should be treated according to racist stereotypes instead of as free-thinking individuals. It is racism to its core.

It is also disgusting that they have chosen to single out white men for struggle sessions. In the racist Democrats’ view, having white guys “be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history” means that they must apologize and repent for crimes against women and other races. That is the only correct “honest” discussion allowed for white dudes. Any attempt to show pride or celebrate the positive contributions of white men in our nation’s history will be silenced as “dishonest.” That’s how this works. White men share the exclusive collective guilt of the nation and must atone for their sins. Collective guilt. Collective punishment. Not based on actual behavior, but assigned because of the color of their skin and for having a Y chromosome.

Racism and sexism are revolting.


1930, 28 July 2024


  1. dad29

    Interesting that the WaPo asked a mildly-aggressive question about ‘who may attend’ this little struggle-gigglefest.

  2. Tuerqas

    But no! This is good racism and sexism. It is Democratic racism and sexism!!!

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